Aw, that ain't such a much ... I been screwed by my car many times, and it's just a piece of Detroit iron.
Aw, that ain't such a much ... I been screwed by my car many times, and it's just a piece of Detroit iron.
You're probably correct, Thogar. Typing in dialect is tricky anyway you look at it. It is far safer, I have found, to sprinkle in some regionalisms that identify the writer as "Southern," like the ubiquitous "y'all". There are some words and phrases that I have collected that I am unsure whether to categorize as…
Agreed, nor do they appear to possess the wherewithal to craft clothing, weapons or (for that matter) tie laces, yet several are carrying or riding complex devices and/or wearing clothing.
Anyone who says "rubbish" with a straight face is a Yankee, son, and if you hear stereotyping in my typing, the fault is in your own cortex.
Actually, real Southerners talk precisely like that, only the spelling is frequently worse. Real Southerners are not the cityfolk of Atlanta or Baton Rouge; they are the shopkeepers and farmers and mechanics in Helen, or Pembroke, or Hinesville.
Thank you, Annalee. This sounds perfectly dreadful. I was going to pay good money to see it, but now I will just wait until I turns up in the RedBox remainder bin at the QuickieMart.
I's from Jawjuh and we'ah fixin' ta find out why y'all talks so funny up in Yankeeland.
"Writing a new Chitty Chitty Bang Bang book gave me the chance to harness a potent pleasure ..." of picking the jerked scraps of meat off the mouldering bones of Ian Fleming's corpse to sell to those idiots in Hollywood for an ungodly amount of shiny, clinky coin.
"So I didn't want to try and just play a younger Kelsey but also bring something new to the role.
The universe is not only stranger that you imagine, it is stranger than you can imagine.
"And if you STILL haven't had your fill of Alphas..."
Korean robotic sharks do not have frikken lasers in their heads.
I agree completely. That was a near-perfect realization, right down to the endless boring exposition and silly-suit environmentalism.
Sort of like "Flight of the Phoenix" frame-for-frame remake of the Jimmy Stewart original? Or that "homage" remake of "Psycho"?
I am not ragging on Mr. Snyder, I am ragging on his dismissal of a competing movie on the grounds that his superhero is more "important."
Wow, Snyder.
Dang, I wish we could still "heart".
I actually watched [part of] an episode before remembering that I had a brain. Then I coughed up a piece of the crap they had been shoving into my eyeholes and changed the channel to something more edifying ... I think at the time it was Ren&Stimpy.
Thanks, SupaChupa and Death_By, I agree, it may be the lighting. I have such high hopes for this movie that I am obsessing over trivial details, but you know, I want it to be perfecto!