I know this is slightly off topic, but to me, the "red" in Cap'n A's shield looks a little, I dunno, bicycle waterbottle anodized aluminum?
I know this is slightly off topic, but to me, the "red" in Cap'n A's shield looks a little, I dunno, bicycle waterbottle anodized aluminum?
Eh, er, what?
Hmmm. Pleasant review. Verrry gentle. Perhaps I was wrong to dismiss this just because Rogan rubs my rhubarb entirely wrongly. Perhaps I will shell out a quarter-tank of dino to watch a couple of highly intelligent Brits stereotype and ridicule my nation through a little grey strawman puppet. Perhaps ...
Only one "r" unless you are Hispanic and stretching the "r" for emphasis, which would be pretty funny, though I would have gone for "eRRRRRRRRection!".
The headline pic shows a woman with a cold sore. Pass.
Oh great! Now the power lines won't just hum, they'll beep or honk too! Cannot wait.
Hilarious after absurd
I am (by all accounts) a complete geek and fanboy when it comes to animation.
Agreed. I personally lament the loss of functionality (like being able to "follow" certain commentors) in the new design. The comment notifications are likewise buggy, sometimes taking you to the specific comment reply and sometimes just linking to the article, which may have numerous replies before and after your…
The possibility of screwing up the past depends on which "nature of time" you choose. Is it linear? Predestined? Branching? Do you subscribe to "conservation of reality"?
Amo amas
That is positively sinister.
You forgot the Order of the Bird from The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag by Robert Heinlein, but perhaps you were meant to!
Villalobos? Wolf Town?
Jest so's you know, the reason the Ivory Soap "So Pure It Floats" campaign was so popular, is that back in the day, some folks still did their washin' in tubs and streams and such, and the fack that yer stow-bought barsoap would float was a pure delight (pardon my "pun"). Most soap, see, ya loses yer handle on it and…
Waaaak, waaak-waak-waak-wwaaaaaa!