
She didn't have her hazard lights or her brake lights on, and her door was open. She was also fully stopped in the left lane (the passing lane) of the highway. It would have been almost impossible for him to stop in time or get out of the way, because he wouldn't have even realized she was parked until he was almost

Is taking away a licence really enough in this situation? I strongly disagree.

Off topic, but is that Christian and Ollie? I can't figure it out.

Lucky for you and your friends (and I mean that). That doesn't mean it doesn't happen here, however.

I am also a Canadian woman, and I can confirm that it is a common occurrence here. It started for me when I was 10, and has continued. I've had times when I couldn't go outside without being catcalled. I've also been stalked and harassed in clubs to the point where I just wanted to get the hell out. It's also happened

Did you mean to respond to me with this comment? I can't find a comment I wrote anywhere in this thread where I refer to anyone as an MRA or troll.

I think you're probably right. It was one of the oddities of the dub that they couldn't deal with the homosexual (i.e. when they made Zoicite a woman) and lesbian relationships on the show.

It probably would have been obvious to me even if I hadn't seen the original. They were kind of beating you over the head with it, honestly. The English dialogue made it obvious that the characters in the show were also really aware of it too.

I did too! It was so funny.

Good, because making Haruka and Michiru into cousins ("they're both girls, and cousins too!") made everything hilariously, so much worse than including the original lesbian relationship between them would have been. Instead of lesbians, they became incestuous lesbians (because they couldn't eliminate all the romantic

You guys lost your chance with that whole losing to us twice at the Olympics thing.

Absolutely. She's amazing.

I'd say a little bit of both. ;)

I imagined the first one in Allison's voice. I love this show. :)

I cannot star this enough.

You look great! :)

Yes! I love Buffy. The episode for that first gif freaked me out.

May and Coulson would work for me, but I would like at least one of the pairings to be platonic, if only to avoid everyone on the Bus pairing off. May and Coulson honestly care about one another and have superb chemistry. They blow Skye and Ward out of the water.

I honestly did a sort of double take when Skye and Ward kissed. A double take of horror. I was actually somewhat happy at the end of the episode, just because it meant that Ward and Skye probably wouldn't kiss again anytime soon. I knew that kiss was coming eventually, but I wanted to be wrong so badly.