Thank you for articulating how little I wanted to see that scene. I had to change the channel, because I couldn't stand seeing it.
Thank you for articulating how little I wanted to see that scene. I had to change the channel, because I couldn't stand seeing it.
Glad to hear it! She was way out of line.
WTF?! I can't believe she said that to you! That is so inappropriate and horrible. :(
I did it...I regret this so much. :(
Yes it is a politeness thing. I hold the door for everyone. It's just how I am. It doesn't matter if you're a man or woman, I will hold the door for you.
Mellie needs to tell him what his father did. I need him to suffer for it.
Further to this, I have had men actually refuse to walk through a door I've held open for them. They stared at me and shook their heads until I gave up and walked through ahead of them. One guy tried this and finally gave up, but actually ran ahead to the next door and held it open for me so that he could somehow even…
That is so horrible. This is a child, a human being, not a television. Why would you even think of them in terms like refund?
Yes. Adults say this sort of shit all the time, either directed at or in the vicinity of the child they are targeting with those comments. I like this photo essay, because she's openly critical of what people are saying to her kids. You can bet they're hearing everything these assholes are saying, and you can bet they…
I'm glad someone feels my pain. :)
I like your theory. It wouldn't surprise me if it was true, honestly. I can't imagine why someone would decide this was a good idea, otherwise. Although, humans have eaten all sorts of weird things. I wonder sometimes who first decided a lobster looked appetizing, for example.
I like Mexican food if it doesn't have cilantro in it. I just ask for it not to be included and avoid dishes that have it listed as an ingredient that can't be taken out.
It does to me! Maybe it's my way of describing the soapy taste many people talk about, but I just find the taste somehow dirty (it makes sense in my head?).
Yeah I know. I just can't stand it and I'm bitter about how much of the food I love comes with a heaping pile of it unless I tell people not to include it. I know people like bitter melon too, but I hate it. :)
I have to chime in here, because poutine is awesome. It's basically fat sticks with chunks of fat covered in fat sauce. Yum.
You should look into the Canadian civil litigation case of Jane Doe v. Metropolitan Toronto (Municipality) Commissioners of Police. She was raped at knife-point by a stranger, who broke into her apartment while she was sleeping. The police knew a serial rapist was at large, and they knew details about his MO, but…
My physics teacher's problem sets always seemed to involve someone falling off a building or dropping a baby. It was really weird.
The same thing happened to my aunt, but the guy was white and she was Indian. People can be weird about race.
I'm not going to continue to try to educate you about how criminal law works. You are ignoring every bit of evidence I am presenting to you, so that you can continue to assert something that isn't true. Go research this yourself. You are wrong. I've shown you why you're wrong, and you're just rehashing the same tired…