
No sperm will pass the impenetrable sheath that is thoughts and prayersTM

“crisis pregnancy centers” should be sued out of existence for fraud. 

Yes, but not at the same time.

If you know you have to lie about your mission by omitting medical facts and information because you know if you told the truth about your “service” and your mission you just might not able to persuade as many women to listen to you, then your mission is fucked up and you’re a fraud of an organization.

Lying... good for me but not for thee.

the crisis clinics argued that disclosure made it “difficult, if not impossible, for unlicensed centers to advocate their own pro-life message in most media” since it effectively required clinics to “begin their expressive relationship with an immediate unwanted or negative message that crowds out and confuses their

As for the requirement that unlicensed facilities disclose that information to clients, crisis clinics argued that such a disclosure is an excessive burden.

Wouldn’t it be great if we let doctors tell their patients facts!? Can you imagine the uproar if they were mandated to lie about heart surgery or viagra? If there were crisis heart surgery clinics that told you that you don’t need that heart surgery when you do?

So let me get this straight:

Nah, she outgrew such presidential behavior years ago.

As a former Mississippian, I figured that the original line was accurate. Those religious jackwagons will defend the heck out of a fetus, but as soon as it is born, to hell with it. F*** healthcare for it or the mother, f*** protecting them from creepers and pedos, f*** educating them well, then f*** and impregnate

I love the emphasis on “unborn” here. Cause once you are born, well then fuck you. Mississippi has some of the highest illiteracy rates, lowest life expectancy, most unhealthy people, etc in the COUNTRY. They can’t be bothered with social programs that help the people already in this world live safe, healthy lives.

Ah yes make sure to run them on Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Amazon you know all those things the kids are watching. I don’t see how this could fail.

“A total WITCH HUNT with massive conflicts of interest!”

When Daughter was about 4, she pushed Son (2) down. I came running from the kitchen to see why he was crying, and she started dancing and singing really loudly in an attempt to distract me from the person who had cause to point the finger at her.

Now playing

Our collective (natural and rational) confusion reminds me of this:

I would laugh at this shit if it wasn’t a slap in the goddamn face to addicts and their loved ones all throughout the world. I hope he fucking dies.

And the cyber. There need to be cyber commercials. And commercial cybers.

I have a feeling he’s not-so-privately told friends that teachers shouldn’t be armed because “every month those womefolk just go crazy and can’t be relied on not to shoot the kids.”