
I do think it has a place in the arsenal, albeit in a very limited capacity (not what it was intended for anyway) as a close air support, ground bombing/targeting aircraft rather than a dogfighter. If you look at the operational history of say...a P-47 in WWII - it was designed to be bigger and faster than any

So - since Selig did away with league presidents, could the commish Manfred rule that because he leaned into the pitch without making a reasonable effort to get out of the way that indeed he should have been called “out” and thus keep the perfect game in tact, Mr. Burke?

I really hope that ump has trouble sleeping tonight - it’s Galarraga all over again. Piss poor call by the umpire. Tabata should have been called out. Heartbreaking.

Thanks for this...When I was a kid, I loved Michelob (my dad still orders it when we go out to eat) we’d get little mini-bottles of Michelob and watch baseball on our console t.v. We thought we were such hot shit...ha! I am not a fan of 3.2 beers, by and large (where they get all the horses to piss in the bottles is

I don’t disagree with your thinking (and I’m a Royals fan who has argued with friends that cutting Omar out and putting Colon (or fucking anyone else with a .250> average) would be a net plus for my boys.) Since last year I’ve been saying it. Seriously. that you? Don’t make excuses, you daft bastard.

Eh, so he can’t pass the Wonderlic. He’s a football player, his brains are going to be oatmeal time he finishes anyway...Frank Gore can’t pass it either, he seems to be doing just fine.

This is great - maybe he can sit in the can with the other misogynist Jameis Winston and eat 3 lbs of crab legs together. Buncha jackasses.

I won’t lie - I came to this piece simply because the headline copy was written so damned well. Compliments!

Jesus Christ. Just give him the TJ surgery already. He’s only throwing in the high 80’s and his control is for shit. I don’t get what the big deal is...there are kids in college ball having the surgery voluntarily - what makes this guy special? Do the Yanks not have a starting rotation, or is this the only guy that

If you are within a state's distance from the state of Colorado, come buy it from us. Three reasons:

Now playing

You know what this reminds me of? Do you remember in the 1980's a radio spot (in Kansas City I'm referring to) a soap opera segment called, "The Clarence Update"? This column completely reminds me of that.

I can only say: Thank god you don't hand-write your columns.

A, B, AND C?!

This: "Customers are able to select exactly which ingredients they want using a touchscreen — an ingredient list which also includes items such as jalapeños, grilled mushrooms, and spicy mayo, if you have the lack of self-preservation instincts required to trust McDonald's to prepare any of those things. Burgers

No, they aren't food...but even mixed with catshit and car tire, they taste amazing when you're stoned.

I hope the debut this thing in Denver round about April the 20th. They'll have so much goddamned money on their hands if they do...

What the hell is a clitoral combat ship...?

Really just shocked...SHOCKED, I say, that the Oakland Raiders didn't make the list. (and yeah, I picked this story up from Deadspin...can't help myself...)

Really just shocked...SHOCKED, I say, that the Oakland Raiders didn't make the list. (and yeah, I picked this story

That's awesome.