
It’s weird that he doesn’t understand how businesses work when he keeps saying what a great businessman he is.

This is pretty much the only take. The current “President of America” needs his child to press him into even considering doing something that isn’t unequivocally wrong and comically evil.

“[Trump] called his national security advisor at 3 am with a pressing question he needed answered—is a strong or weak dollar better for the economy?”

THIS is why ‘they’ hate Obama.

Doesn’t that image speak volumes? Two relative strangers, who can reasonably be assumed to be on the opposite side, have more courtesy, empathy and compassion for Melania that her own husband does.

Thanks, but I don’t call it noble. I call it American. These people who voted for Trump are hurting. Well the ones who aren’t racists anyway. But there were legit concerns and legit hurting out there especially in the mid west. The problem is they believe it the democrats fault and for some unfathomable reason, can’t

We did vote. The majority of voters didn’t want him.

Installing an incompetent with lots of baggage makes it a lot easier to undermine a country.

Much like their leader these people are a cancer on our society. You need to fight them with everything you have but never let them bring you down - ultimately they are on the wrong side just like Hitler and his strong men/women were.

I think my favorite moment during the march was listening to the man behind me very matter of factly explaining to his 7- or 8-year-old son that they were marching because a lot of people discriminate against women just because they’re women and one of those people is our new president and it’s important to speak out

Just wait until the Trudeaus come to visit.

This. Which is why I am about to start fucking swinging on mouthy Trumpanzees. It’s the only goddamn language they understand. Cuck this, you fucking Internet Army Rangers.

Bill and Hillary are warmer together!

Still adorable after all these years.

There’s more sparkle between the Nixon’s and these two.

Yeah, I see it as, she knew he was an eccentric rich guy, who may have some skeletons in his closet, but he seemed nice enough. Then she got married, and realized it was way worse than she thought. Then, he goes and runs for president. She’s not responsible for the actions of her husband. She’s probably not the best

My theory is that she begged, pleaded and BEGGED him not to run for President, and he ignored her because, well she’s just his fucktoy and broodmare, right? And now she is PISSED.

There’s more sparkle between the Carters than between those two.

I think they’re informally separated. She basically vanished between the election and now, and every time he touches her in public she looks annoyed. And the thing about her not moving so Barron doesn’t have to change schools is lame. She just doesn’t want to live with him, and who can blame her?