
Deen told Snow he is “baffled” by the accusations, adding, “All of the accusations are from either ex-girlfriends or events that happened on set.”

Why are we still entertaining this asshole? Why is he still given airtime to spout his garbage nonsense? Trump blathers on in vague generalities that he’s convinced are facts. We are not dealing with an actual 69 year old grown man, we are dealing with a petulant child that needs to be sent to his room where he can

I was kind of board with the closet liberal theory, but now I'm thinking he may be an ISIS recruiting tool

Yeah, I know what you mean. The columbine shooters’ parents came under so much attack after the massacre. Susan Klebold wrote this piece for O magazine and basically tried to explain how she will never know why her son did what he did:…

You’re trying to project logic and rationality onto people who were imbued with ideas that took them completely out of that realm. They were living on an entirely different planet where different mythological rules applied. Cult thought involves total estrangement and is a mental illness.

I disagree. Lying to a child about their origins means there’s always a chance they’ll find out in an awful way from someone careless or malicious, or when grandma gets dementia or they get in a fight with their older sibling as a teen or a million other scenarios that can come up in any family. Or in this child’s

“Your parents hated other people more than they loved you. Now go play!” So fucked up.

My completely unfounded theory is that theos two were planning to volunteer to make or facilitate an attack and were preparing for that, but instead of coming up with a plan or coorinating with a group, he got pissed off at a work thing and they went “Fuck it, lets do it today.”

It’s not uncommon for mentally ill or just plain angry people to align themselves with extremist movements that happen to match their existing beliefs or prejudices. Most people want to be part of a community, and a person who feels isolated or shut out from ordinary communities (e.g. mainline churches, social clubs,

I just want to say congrats to this couple, not only did they kill 14 people, maim 20 others, leave their innocent baby behind to deal with this legacy for the rest of her life, but they've now made the lives of every Middle Eastern person, or people who look Middle Eastern in the United States dramatically more

I just love being in an ecology program right now and reading new articles every week about various things being irretrievably lost/destroyed/altered. I especially love it when brainless, money-grubbing scum like this do their utmost to further an erroneous stance and worsen our already-rapid decline.

And it regards to that quote, he only said that because his mother did.

Like the Planned Parenthood shooter, this case seems to be one where the line between organized terrorist and isolated crazy person is blurry.

It’s just ridiculous to say “he doesn’t want to have sex with her, he must be gay!”

Let’s not assume a guy is gay because he doesn’t want to have sex with a beautiful woman. Not every straight dude is going to be attracted to her. And maybe he wants to but his religious convictions are stronger.

Speaking as someone who was in that boat a few years ago i think you’re right. Religious indoctrination will play hell with your sexual urges and self awareness. Give the guy a few years. He’ll be WAY happier when he starts being honest with himself. I know I was.

To be fair, he did try to give her the D, it just got intercepted and taken back for 6.

Did you know that Nothing Compares 2 U was written by Prince? I remember that little music trivia tidbit kinda blowing my mind when I first learned about it.

I can’t believe Nothing Compares 2 U was 25 years ago. I thought that was the most amazing song ever back then.