What I love about this is that, somewhere, there’s a farmer who has a new revenue stream.
What I love about this is that, somewhere, there’s a farmer who has a new revenue stream.
If it had been in the shape of an automatic rifle no one would have uttered a word.
Its just a human body part
Rational person: this movie failed because it was a shitty white savior narrative.
Sounds like someone knew it was a dud from the start, and didn’t want to risk the publicity.
I don’t live under a rock and I never heard a damn thing about this movie. Maybe the promotion was a bomb, too.
i believe what he is saying is that god sent the iceburg to punish man for transitioning from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy
I mean, gin is just a distilled liquor made of one or more of a dozen different bases (wheat, barley, potato, whatever) that’s flavored with juniper or other botanicals. So it has to taste kind of like juniper, but it isn’t really made of juniper.
We got married very, very young. ;) Another aspect of conservative Christianity with unforseen consequences.
I don’t see anything wrong with that. Some people go their entire lives and never figure out their true passion. There is no set process, or instruction manual for figuring out what you want to do and how to do it.
So someone deciding to change careers makes them a terrible person?
Wow. Really? So once a parent has children, they aren’t allowed to change careers (or even jobs) at all? I can’t tell if you’re trolling, or you legitimately think that her husband is bad for wanting to become a teacher.
When Christian people talk about being persecuted for their faith this behavior is the problem. They are being called out for being racist, sexist, ageist assholes who don’t seem to follow any moral compass besides mean girls. Not for believing in JC.
So you’ve never interviewed and taken a job based on what you’ve been told of the company culture, only to find out they sugar coated things and made it seem better than it is?
In my opinion, school is a bad place to learn critical thinking skills because it usually comes from real life experience. School trains kids that there are always a right answer. And you are rewarded if you are the fastest one to get that answer.
“Clear Foods is a new California-based start-up”
It doesn’t hurt that Clinton and Richards are about 19x smarter than anyone else in the room.