
This actually makes me kind of sad. Snakes are not my fave by any means, but I feel sorry for the this one. A cobra shouldn’t be part of some idiot’s personal zoo, it should be hanging out in it’s natural habitat. It was probably as if not more freaked out than all the people who encountered it.

The market is dreadfully boring people who try to create the illusion of having an interesting, edgy personality by surrounding themselves with exotic possessions and/or creatures. To distract from how boring they are. In my experience, anyway. That’s who owns exotic pets.

Why can’t people be cooler and just say ‘Sup, cobra’ and let him live his hallway life?! Maybe he just locked himself out of his apartment!

Cougars are fascinating because they’re fucking big (dude-cougars can weigh as much as a NFL linebacker; gal-cougars can weigh more than Rhonda Rousey), but they are more closely related to a house cat than a lion. They’re also not domesticated. This means there is a chance you can scratch a cougar behind the ear and

Oh, I am jealous! Those cats are cute and they loved being scratched. I want to play with the cute kitties too!

Royal is different than aristocratic. Aristocrats have the duties they create for themselves or none at all, as they choose. Monarchs HAVE to do things on a set schedule all the time.

I’ll never understand why Diana came from the family she did, but still didn’t understand the royal gig, and believed it was a “real” marriage. It’s a real shame, because camilla would have been content to be royal mistress forever. unlike diana (and some of charles’ other mistresses) she knew the score and how things

Is anyone else disappointed that they didn’t make a bottle of, I dunno, Ogden’s Old Firewhisky or Madam Rosmerta’s Oak Matured Mead? Am I the only one who cares about accuracy in fictional liquors?

all i want in life is to spend 15 minutes with simon pegg and nick frost

Kipenzi was born in captivity. She was never wild. There are several sub-species of giraffe that are endangered. Zoos are critical in species preservation.

Sorry we weren’t interested in being scammed, USOC. Maybe you’ll have better luck stealing money and land from Los Angeles?

Lies are an easy way to make problems disappear. And the way her life has been described simple acts of getting time by yourself or socialization with other kids require lies and fairly elaborate ones at that considering how controlling her parents were.

A ruined reputation is not justice. I hope I’ve been clear about that.

I agree that the only real *justice* would be a lengthy prison sentence, perhaps for the remainder of his life considering how many victims there are.

But, no public outcry re: endemic violence on women? Lone white males who shoot up public spaces every couple days? White male serial killers? No? Still big scary black men are the problem? Oh, and sassy black women. And slutty women in general. Legal abortion, that’s our problem.

It’s almost like paying people to beat the shit out of other humans is a bad idea.

Foster's: Australian for "Budweiser."

I feel like this could be taken as shots fired in a glorious pizza chain war that could carry on for months, if not years. You deliver a pizza to our pizza joint, so we send our employees undercover to pose as asshole customers and make ridiculous demands. They spike our water supply, so we burn down their city hall.

I kinda feel like the Pizza hut manager didn’t really have a leg to stand on either legally or otherwise. I mean if your service is so bad that people are ordering takeout to be delivered, that’s on you as the manager.