
I don’t know whether this counts, but Mr. Sububi still feels guilty for spontaneously cursing when my then-68-year-old aunt accidentally hit him in the face with a basketball.

It’s not exactly a secret that those two were pressured into marriage despite their near-total incompatibility. Without the interference from their families, they would never have stepped into that mess, Camilla and Charles would have eventually gotten married anyway, and Diana would now be a 56-year-old society

Yup, a fat rich guy who loves to fat-shame women. Sometimes your head just has to spin around. Gaaaahhhh.

Ummmmm ... you do realize that alcoholism isn’t a condition that people acquire for fun, right?

Any time an institution — religious, political, whatever — is given absolute power over people, all of the abusers, the crooks, the haters, and the tyrants petty and grand rub their hands together with glee. Add the ability to keep people hidden away in secrecy, and no horror becomes unthinkable.

It always seemed crystal clear that neither of them liked the other very much. Then again, would this really make interesting TV? They were pressured into marriage, they had nothing in common, they divorced. It’s not exactly The Crown, is it?

The only time I wish that gender-shaming, age-shaming, body-shaming, and fashion-shaming were acceptable is when I think about Donald Trump.

“I want y’all to know that that is not me,” Norton, referring to her previous behavior with the Respect the Flag group, tearfully told the courtroom. “That is not me. That is not [Torres].”

I don’t think it’s bad that they had a goodbye party. I think it’s terrible that they invited him to attend it.

My mom, who was otherwise a very good cook, always cooked steaks well-done. I don’t actually like steak very much at all, but on the rare occasions when I eat it, I don’t want it cooked any more than medium. And a little salt and pepper on it will do.

Oh, well — another childfree celebrity bites the dust!

Good gods. My father was a gentle and introverted man who was not at all given to violence, and I think that if someone had asked his permission to call my teenaged self “a piece of ass”, Dad would probably have smacked him with the souvenir baseball bat that we kept on the porch.

Those stories about Donald Jr. give me the creeps. Not just because DJTJr had such an obnoxious reputation, but because the way his father allegedly treated him taught him the primary Trump lesson: Kindness and respect towards other people are for losers.

That’s one of the gigantic differences between the Obamas and the Trumps. The Obamas are the kind of people who have genuine concern for their neighbors. The Trumps — well, we know what they’re like.

Is it just me, or is the one thing we have too goddamned much of in this country is fucking gratitude? Are we supposed to be grateful for the small things, like not being the desperate refugees and permanent residents who are getting kicked out of the country as soon as they land at our airports? Or maybe having

Will people please stop blaming anyone but Trump for Trump?

On what planet would I ever “get over it”? You get over it in the simple case where your preferred candidate lost an election. You don’t get over the election of someone like Trump. He is a menace. If you don’t think he is a menace, then you — well, then you don’t think he is a menace, so nothing is going to change

Re-read the first paragraph.

Nixon didn’t seem to have a warm and fuzzy relationship with his family, but he always acknowledged Pat, Tricia, and Julie.

If we’re lucky, maybe he’s meeting with Keegan-Michael Key right at this moment.