
I’m currently in the back seat of a friend’s car, on my way back home from the DC march. I don’t know which was more exhilarating: being a part of it, or following some of the international march feeds. Holy crap — four separate cities in New Zealand had marches. Researchers in Antarctica were photographed holding

One ray of hope is that (t)Rump is already pissing off Republicans. Case in point: The “insurance for all” comment. Now, I don’t believe for a moment that he has any kind of a plan, let alone a workable one. But it blindsided the GOP, and they’ll have to come to terms very quickly with the fact that they’re dealing

It looks interesting, but I may wait a while before tackling it. I have a weird reaction to Jude Law anyway, simply because he looks a lot like an acquaintance of mine who’s a sanctimonious killjoy and all-around pain in the ass. (Hmmm, maybe this is the perfect Jude Law role for me to enjoy watching!)

Maybe he’s bi.

I just can’t wait until Schneider explains to the women in Congress exactly what menstrual cramps feel like.

I won’t be watching the inauguration, not just because I can’t stand Trump, but because I’ll be on the road with some friends, traveling to Washington for the Women’s March the next day.

To paraphrase Andy Borowitz: We’re not claiming that Trump’s election was illegitimate. We’re saying it’s catastrophic.

I hear you. Since the campaign heated up last summer, I’ve (a) started taking Klonopin, albeit in small and only occasional doses; (b) probably doubled my alcohol consumption, and (c) developed a daytime tooth-grinding habit. Fortunately, regular exercise seems to help. But I spent two weeks at Christmas time visiting

What in the fucking hell?

For sure. We liberals would have groused for a while about a President Jeb Bush or John Kasich, but we’d be getting on with our lives in the meantime. Plus, there are a lot of conservative and centrist Americans who find Trump very, very disturbing.

I have a moderate level of inattentive-type ADHD, and have friends with more severe forms of it. I think Trump has an extreme case of full-blown attention deficit + hyperactivity layered over his even more extreme underlying narcissism.

I’m still friends with my MOH (my only attendant), who was the co-worker who kept me sane while I endured a terrible job, a prolonged breakup, and a few months out of work after the loss of said terrible job. We’re not in touch that often these days, because I moved away a few years after getting married. But we keep

Okay, so by this definition of crime: If your relatives or neighbors steal your life savings or burn your house down, it’s not as bad as if a complete stranger does those things.

Trump’s entire career has been based on spite. Why would anyone expect that to change now?

I still use it occasionally, and it suits me fine, especially since it’s biodegradable. The problem with all skin scrubs is that it feels really, really good to rub them on your face hard enough to sand down small wooden objects, and only later do you pay for the experience. Moderation is extremely important when

Relaxers are not for amateurs. As a person of the Caucasian persuasion with a headful of cowlicks, I once tried an allegedly “gentle” over-the-counter relaxer and wound up with pieces of hair breaking off for the next three months. After that, I had it done professionally, which worked much better. Finally got sick of

One of the best parts of the whole show is watching the musical honorees’ faces light up while other celebrities perform their most famous works.

I’d also suggest the following:

For some reason, the one that made me laugh loudest was the egg dye tablet in the nostril.

It can be difficult if you’re middle-aged or older.