
Donald Trump, a cicada husk dipped in fermenting carrot soup ....

Women’s gymnastics has always seemed like a subculture in which very loud men dominate the lives of very small teenage girls, so it doesn’t surprise me that sexual abuse and harassment go unaddressed in that environment. Since I wasn’t at all athletic until after turning 50, I have no personal experience with this

I have a soft spot for Indy, which produced Mr. Sububi.

Is “barves” the plural of “barf”?

Throwing out Racey McRacistface is an excellent start. The next thing they need to do is boot out the assholes who are trying to incite people to kill Hillary Clinton. For the love of the last fucking brain cell in the last fucking brain of the last fucking idiot in the hall, isn’t the Secret Service responsible for

“I really regret setting fire to your house. Here, have some of these s’mores.”

Mine has always looked very much like the one on the left, and I was a virgin until I was 20.

I’ve had vegan jerky. I’ve had meat jerky. I won’t say that I can’t tell them apart, because they’re clearly different — but one bite of either makes me want to throw it away and make myself a PB&J instead, since the latter won’t dislocate my mandible.

I don’t get it either. Although it didn’t get much general press until recently, Theranos has been stumbling along for twelve or thirteen years. This wasn’t a disruptive technology so much as it was a lumbering dinosaur.

Wow, that’s taking the Mary Sue thing too damned far. Can’t she just fall in love with Edward Cullen or Jon Snow or some obscure boy band member, like all the other 14-year-old fanfiction writers do?

He hasn’t mentioned his and Melania’s ten-year-old son yet. Seriously, I’d love to hear what that kid has to say.

Then we got “heroin chic” in the 1990s. What goes around comes around ....

Hot Italian sausage > sweet Italian sausage > Polish sausage > bratwurst > hot dogs!

This. The whole damn family had the idea that you need to have guns at the ready all the time because other armed people are always there to hurt or kill you. (Or at least the parents had it, and raised their daughters to buy into it too.) In the end, one disturbed family member with a loaded gun and an uncontrollable

Supposedly, if you hit the coals just so, and move quickly, not enough heat gets transferred to your skin to cause burns. There’s no “mind over matter” about it — it’s just matter. Of course, hot coals are an uneven surface, so people can stumble on them. And if you move too quickly, you can thrust your feet too

I don’t understand all the fascination with “sovereignty”. There have been heated disagreements over the relationships between the EU and the governments of its member nations, but it’s an evolving institution that is less than 25 years old in its present form. And, realistically, it’s not going to completely release

I don’t have strong feelings one way or the other whether firearms should have their own emoji. But I think it’s interesting that inexperienced or careless users may soon have a harder time getting hold of a rifle or handgun emoji than an actual rifle or handgun.

“As far as gays are concerned they [in Middle Eastern countries] throw them off buildings ... They kill gays in these countries.”

Some of the accounts trickling out of his last couple of rallies indicate that he’s now asking his supporters to identify protestors in the crowd so that they can be thrown out. This has purportedly led to some of his actual supporters being mistaken for protestors and getting thrown out.

And the sad part is that this would be one of the easiest problems to fix. The NRA and friends claim that if your physician asks you about guns in your home, you’re now on a de facto gun registry. But (a) medical records are private, and (b) why not simply permit opting out of having one’s responses become part of