
I’ve never understood that superstition for one minute (okay, I don’t understand any superstitions for one minute). Mr. Sububi and I lived together for a while before we got married, which is hardly uncommon. I bought my dress from a bridal shop that was literally within walking distance of our modestly-sized

I would actually watch a show that included women (or men, for that matter) being “rude and crude” to Trump, and maybe throwing a few drinks in his face for good measure.

Allergic reactions aren’t always predictable. I have ONE skin allergy, and it’s to dryer sheets. Used one once, then put on a freshly dried T-shirt, then instantaneously broke out in a rash on my back. Had to take a shower and throw all of the clothes back into the wash. (Fortunately, I also hate not only the smell of

I wish I’d had a chance to explore more of Mexico City when I was there for a research conference a few years ago. I did get a chance to accompany some fellow attendees to a local restaurant that serves chapulines (fried grasshoppers) when they’re in season — which they were at the time. Since we were all entomology

I was surprised by the tendency of developers in Canada to partially sink their suburban shopping malls into the ground. I’m assuming it saves on heating and cooling costs.

This is a description of well-premeditated harassment; if he did this to her, he almost certainly did it to other women. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if several more women came forward with similar stories.

It pisses me off too. First, where are the precedents? If it had been an attack in an American city, it would make sense for the POTUS to head right back (which would still be a more symbolic act than anything else). There is nothing that he could possibly do, symbolic or not, about a bombing in another country except

.... those children and grandchildren become violent because assholes prey on them due to their frustrations in their countries and their limited integration.

And while the Republicans blather about whose is longest and hardest and can best scare innocent bystanders, a Democratic POTUS sidesteps the pissing war and does something positive for international relations.

There used to be these things called “half sizes” that were made for slightly hefty short women. In the 1960s and 1970s, my mother, who (like me) was 5'2" on a good day — though slightly heavier —had to hunt them down where she could find them. And forget about short mature women of average build. I don’t think I saw

That burns me too. For show business and sports professionals, constructing their bodies as needed is a big part of their jobs. They have a lot of money, they have access to every professional service possible, and they don’t have to punch a clock or sit in a cubicle all day. Just let an actress decide that she

A profit motive isn’t a bad thing if you’re selling shoes or cars. But if it’s not also regulated to at least some degree, there are going to be problems — labor violations, product fraud, environmental damage, the works. And you don’t even need a sociopathic grifter to do those things; if it’s the best way to make

Just smack him with a snowmobile.

OMG, Simon Helberg! I can’t miss this!

How about “australopithecine”?

They’d probably have to eventually remove the uterus after she was done with pregnancies, given that the unwanted effects of immunosuppressant drugs are no joke.

Here’s a question I’ve never seen asked. I’ve never bought a firearm, so I quickly hit Cabela’s website to see what they cost and most of their handguns seem to be in the $300-$1300 range. So how do all of these ammosexuals afford so many guns? Are they all independently wealthy? Do they actually spend money to feed

When we call truly horrible people “monsters”, it’s a roundabout way of saying “S/he can’t really be human, and we’d recognize a person like that right away. So no one in our tribe can ever be like that, and it can’t happen here.” But only a human can be a criminal. Only a human can commit atrocities. A rattlesnake or

“During the pregnancy, we never did an ultrasound, or saw a doctor, nor would it have made any difference if we had. We trusted that God..”

Since when has Trump ever worked hard for his nice things? He’s never met a business that he didn’t either run into the ground or abandon when he got bored. He inherited a shitload of money, and he’s been consuming it (along with other people’s money), crapping it out, and flushing it down various toilets for the past