
Sometimes our human capacity for self-delusion scares the living shit out of me. And few things facilitate it as openly and intensely as “facilitated communication”.

Yup. Mr. Sububi once did some work with a local health department, and one of their cases was a norovirus outbreak that was traced to a rather nice restaurant. (Short version: It probably happened because some staff members had handled bread rolls without gloves, and the management agreed to crack down on this

Mr. Sububi and I really like their tofu sofritos. Now I’m wondering if I can find a clone of the recipe on line.

I like Chipotle, but as I’ve posted before, I don’t think of it as a Mexican restaurant. I think of it as a better-than-average fast food place with a Mexican theme, similar to Qdoba. When I want Mexican food, I go to a family-run Mexican restaurant near my home. Chipotle is for when I need to get lunch in the mall

I turned 15 in 1971, and I don’t remember seeing clothes like this on my peers. Maybe the paisley and the lacy dresses, but not the shoes or the big hats.

This looks like one of those studies that finds an association, and then gets picked up by the popular press, which oversimplifies the findings to the point of meaninglessness. For example:


One of my favorite movie scenes ever: The wizard duel between Severus Snape and Gilderoy Lockhart in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Could anything be more entertaining than Alan Rickman and Kenneth Branagh chewing the same scenery? They seemed to be having the time of their lives.

Holy fuck. To call that guy an asshole would be a grave insult to assholes. For the sake of any women he’s ever encountered in his life, I hope that ever since this incident, he’s been in an exclusive relationship with his own hand.

Being a celebrity is certainly no protection against an unpredictable predator, no matter how “tame” either one of them seems.

... church members have threatened to have him evicted from his apartment, kidnap him, beat him, rape him, and murder him.

This is something that always puts a bug up my nose, so bear with me; it’s my opinion, but it’s also based on general academic protocol in the United States.

The weirdest thing is that I’ve been in professional workplaces (mostly academic) that were extremely flexible about time, with NO pressure to either skip lunch or eat at the desk, and have encountered a lot of people who do those things anyway. Most of them were in the Northeast. Since I’ve been living in other parts

I cannot star that comment enough. (And then there are the flags. The people who hate the U.S. government and want to drown it in their bathtubs seem to really love American flags.)

That’s an interesting thought. In older photos he seems to have the thin upper lip, but a reasonably normal philtrum. He covers both up with a mustache now, so it’s really hard to see anything.

Perfect! Dubai seems to be a place where anyone with enough money can buy his way out of adult supervision.

Very sorry to hear this. I’m a longtime Steely Dan fan, but if Fagen assaulted his wife, he deserved to be charged with a crime. (And I’m glad to read that she’s getting out of that situation.)

I don’t buy the idea of cleanses, since we already have livers. But if I ever wanted to do a good old-fashioned purge, I’d just eat a big ice cream sundae without benefit of Lactaid.

This is sad news. She had such a beautiful voice. Her duet with the recording of her late father always choked me up a little. Didn’t realize that she’d had so many health struggles in her life.

Mr. Sububi and I drink in moderation, but during the Christmas-New Year holiday, we always visit and stay with family members who don’t drink at all. They know that we and many of our other relatives are social drinkers, and that’s not a problem for them when we do it elsewhere, but they’re not at all comfortable with