
I’m ecstatic about this although I’ll probably never live in Canada again (damn, I really liked living there!) Maybe because it gives me a tiny bit of hope in the face of U.S. election disasters like the one that just happened in Kentucky.

I made leczo for the first time. It’s a Hungarian stew that’s apparently quite popular in Poland as well, because I had it for the first time in a local Polish café and loved it. It’s one of those things for which you can find a gazillion recipes online, and most of them contradict the others. Basically, it’s lots and

You won’t know until you try. The herbal flavors tend to be something people either love or hate. Also, different brands are made from different recipes.

“Okay, you pray for me, I sue you, and let’s see who comes out ahead.”

Hmmm, there has to be an equivalent in veggie dogs. Maybe pollen?

I don’t doubt that there are dicey food producers who use dubious sources of ingredients, especially in the age of dump-it-all-in-a-vat-and-export-it. But I’d also want to know something about this startup’s lab practices. It’s very easy to cross-contaminate specimens in a DNA analysis lab. The vegetarian burgers

My mother once cracked us up by jogging in her walker, on our way across a shopping mall parking lot. My husband and I couldn’t believe it. She wasn’t a jogger when she was younger — and she was at least 93 when she pulled off that feat.

Thanks. I really still want to punch the guy, but Mom raised me better than that.

I lost my mother last winter. She was in her nineties, and used a walker during the last few years of her life. I can be a pretty impatient creature at times, but something about walking slowly with my mother used to calm me down and just enjoy not being in a hurry for a change.

The worst of the Steve Jobs story: He had a form of pancreatic cancer that is much more likely to be survivable than the more common and more aggressive forms of the disease — IF it’s treated promptly. And he was diagnosed at an early stage.

That story so enraged me that I want to find this asshole and punch him.

Seconded. I saw someone wear a “bloody Indira Gandhi” costume to a Halloween party in 1984. (And, no, it wasn’t me.) The unfortunate Mrs. Gandhi had been murdered only a few hours earlier.

Wait a second — Stephen Harper made fun of Justin Trudeau’s hair?

This makes me want to beat my head against the wall. I’ve harped on this before, but my maternal grandparents lost TWO children to childhood diseases — one to pertussis, another to diphtheria. TWO FUCKING DEAD KIDS, plus another one PERMANENTLY disabled by anoxia due to pertussis.

There was a little pizzeria in my old neighborhood (this was in the 1960s) that also sold really good pizza dough. My mother used to buy it there, then roll it out and bake it with homemade pizza sauce. Good stuff, but I doubt too many places do this any more.

It really is too much to expect the Fox News crowd to understand that much about human biology.

Movie theater popcorn, to me, smells like an open camp latrine. The smell makes me gag.

Wow! I once watched someone drink a chocolate chip Molson ale float, but (a) she was 19, (b) we were in college, and (c) she was already somewhat drunk.

Wow! I once watched someone drink a chocolate chip Molson ale float, but (a) she was 19, (b) we were in college, and (c) she was already somewhat drunk. And she made it herself instead of going out and inflicting that order on some long-suffering bartender.

I don’t know what was more bizarre — that they did it, or that they expected the waitstaff to provide grape jelly with their pizza.