
My grandfather had one of these (HL-1C) which is now sitting at my folks house, although the housing is cracked. Fantastic desk fan with an ingenious design. Works like a champ also. Wanted one for myself but found out that it will run 100-300 bucks on ebay. uh, no thanks.

Gotta do a classic take on the Wedge salad!!

Now playing

-If I remember correctly— and your shot below my belt hasn't affected my memory— I was teaching you how to fightabovethe belt.

Yes, but I believe that this is when they actually know that the landing gear is malfunctioning and can take appropriate action when landing. Not a pilot but I thought when there was no landing gear that you tried to land the plane as flat and as gentle as possible.

Gotta recoup some of that money that they will lose on the supposed upcoming Shared Family Data Option.

You can also run up to Bertucci's and just buy their dough.

Looks like we have a winner in the instructables Sugru Hack contest.

First thing first. Get rid of Pennies then the $1 paper currency.

Muscle Men what?!?!

WTF, I was hoping it was going to be Dog the Bounty hunter?!?!?!

President Hassan of the Last Season of 24 approves.

I opted out but guess what. . .doesn't work if you live in a condo or apartment. The delivery people couldn't care less. . . they just drop it off at everyones place no matter what.

@snownpaint1: Agreed, i was wondering the same thing since the expanded picture was not working. First ingredient is Beef. Giz' quote has water first?!?!?!

eff data, still rockin my dumb phone till you can pay a reasonable amount per byte.

@Rami Ghaleb: This is if you are only using Xbox Live for that purpose. But agreed it would be nice if you could have Netflix free if you did not want all of the other Xbox live features.

@veronykah: no dice on the waffle maker. you can make rubber shoe treads when you decide to start your shoe company. see Nike.

I like the franchise but I did not buy the game purely because of EA's decision to tack on an extra fee for online content if you buy the game used. []

Once the SMS voice mail message is customizable (i.e not getting 4 separate texts for the transcription of one VoiceMail) I will activate my number again. Until then, no Google Voice for me.

Set up an corn hole game but you have to use your old iPhone 3GS' as the beanbags.

#37 looks butter if you center it on a black background for your wallpaper.