
But how else can my 3yo pee into bathwater, add soap and then drink it?

From what I’ve read from advice columnists all across the spectrum, it’s actually fairly common to get fake letters (though it’s usually done in a very half-hearted manner). Apparently, some people think it’s fun to “prank” advice columnists. Haha, gotcha! You printed a fake letter lulz!

On Friday nights, we put our kids to bed (pretty early, as they are young) and then I do our grocery shopping.  My wife knows that I’m a ninja shopper (I stick to the list, and only deviate when I know we’ve forgotten something) and the place is typically empty.  So I can get done in less than 90 minutes (which

The internet has made life an open-book test, and here you are, refusing to open the book.

Some people just suffer from headaches and/or migraines and know their triggers. It doesn’t mean that everyone is going to be affected the same way. I know that MSG - in large enough quantities - is one of my triggers. MSG is in a lot of things, and for the most part, it won’t set me off. But when it’s used as a

My workplace has 2 weeks paid paternity plus a generous vacation policy. I was able to take nearly a month off within the first 6 months after the birth of both my kids. I did it 99% for myself / family, but also to establish a precedent on my team as the head of the group had made multiple comments about only taking

Being a Dota player is like being an alcoholic, you’re in it for life.

If I still have to explain to new coworkers or neighbors what it means when I say I like anime, it’s not mainstream enough.

While it’s easy to forget when one is plugged into the web so much, Anime still has a huge amount of stigma from everyday folks that I think is an important counterpoint to this. Yes it shouldn’t be mindblowing that people are into anime. However, what the actual point is is that they’re also referring to it as anime

Yes, the song is much better in the movie. Very much a tear-jerker when sung at the end of the movie. In context, it’s a sweet, loving, kind, amazing moment. Really, you should see the movie, though. It’s in line with Moana for cultural groundbreaking animation.

As far as I’m concerned, “Remember Me” is basically the Voight-Kampf test. If a father plaintively singing a ballad to his 3 year-old daughter doesn’t get you teary, you’re a goddamn replicant.

Those Divinity : OS 2 moments :
* In the last city of Arx, which is gigantic and full of hidden sidequests, I see there’s this last remaining house on the map. By the time we’re all max level (at least for the story), kinda max geared. While we’re on tactician mode (the most difficult), we’ve been having less and less

Me, my wife, and a couple of friends have been playing this every week or two for the last couple of months. A couple of us have tried try to play individually but it is SO much better with a full group of players. Sure, you don’t get the NPC stories but we get our own to laugh, scream, and belittle each other about

They do warn you though. Or at leas they warned me on my last flight. It’s also somewhat common knowledge. Funny that a writer for a website that routinely mocks the supposed ignorance of others found himself in this situation.

When people preemptively kick me out of a conversation by saying “Well you don’t have kids so you won’t understand x,y,z” it’s kind of isolating. Like, I know I don’t have kids.. but I AM able to have empathy and listen and relate to people who lead a different life than I do.

Thank you RozenBell. And thank you for the therapy advice. Miscarriages, infertility ... definitely just the worst luck. Thank you so much for sharing.

As someone currently going through fertility treatments, “just adopt” is not as cheap or easy as you and others say it is. Specifically for my situation- fertility treatments are covered by my health insurance. Adoption is not. If you want to adopt that’s great, but evangelizing to others who didn’t ask your opinion

Let me guess, either you don’t have kids and think that you never will or you have kids of your own naturally. This is the absolute most inconsiderate selfish thing that you could possibly say about this topic. Adoption can be extremely difficult both financially and emotionally. I have family that have adopted

Don’t forget:

This, I am tired of this attitude that being tired because kids is the ultimate form of tired and only valid form. I’ve definitely had moments where I would have loved to be tired because kids, because at least that was tired over something that is a generally positive thing! Which definitely an improvement over being