

Montana, you nitwit! I'll have your hand for that!

It's used in the media to dehumanize and marginalize trans people and by people who hate trans people to put us down. So, when you use it, you're indistinguishable from a hateful person and thereby encourage that hate. Using better words, like "trans" as an adjective, demonstrates that you care at least in theory

You're cis and you have no say in whether trans people should let this kind of thing slide. Just like a white person has no say in whether the black community should let the use of "n*****" slide.

The excel spreadsheet comment is inane. I can fit his credit card number in two cells, so obviously that isn't anything to worry about.

Friendly fyi: there's a space in "trans woman", like "bi woman" or "gay man".

But free speech! :'(

Just get rid of the idea of the living/dead dichotomy. Biology was never meant to be a hard science, it's too complex for that. We shouldn't get too overzealous with categorizing ambiguity.


And of course they're not going to equate any form of nudity with porn and vice versa as there is no consistent definition for porn. No, that would be silly.

MADRID 20020

I recommend all of the usual books he's famous for but also recommend you read The Sirens of Titan.

Fellow white people:

So nobody knows Howie Felterbush?

But I already have two blue gas giants! Why can't you have gotten me a green one? Or a purple one? I WANT PURPLE I WANT PURPLE I WANT PURPLE.


In the end, this is all that will remain of our civilization.

However, I believe there's a difference between remaining "neutral" (which implies doing nothing), and choosing to relate to people as individuals, regardless of their race, gender, sexuality, etc. Which is, to me, an active stance; I am actively making a choice in how I relate to people. I am not simply "accepting".

I wish it could be that way too, but we don't live in a perfect world. We live in a world with patriarchy and institutionalized sexism that marginalizes the experiences of women as places men in the default position. We are the ones coding Wonder Woman as "other". That is out of our control. Our job if we want
