
It is also an imitation of the Guy Fawkes Mask from V for Vendetta.

Haha! He said "sticky situation"!

aurorae borealis*

Well that's why you set a decoy.

Nicely done. Replying to approve.

I get what you're trying to say, but the standard of living has been (on average) improving since the Renaissance. What if Black Civil Rights proponents in the 60's had been told "Stop whining! You have it a lot better than slaves did 100 years ago! I bet you're even allowed to vote and have families. What more could

I really don't think this is helping the cause.

This may be of some assistance:

If it can scientifically, then no, because that would be science, not philosophy. (Though it's interesting where you'd draw the line.)

Don't turn on the 3G toggle, it's buggy on the iPhone 4S and causes you to lose carrier service.

""If clinicians say, ‘These kids don't fit the criteria for an autism spectrum diagnosis,' they are not going to get the supports and services they need, and they're going to experience failure.""

"Should have learned more about centers of gravity, asshole!"

That's brilliant. And I never read a word of it.

The WHOLE grapefruit?

But there wasn't a way to know which of the thousands of artists depicting solar bodies were right until science observed and photographed the bodies. A guess without evidence is a matter of chance—an educated guess with evidence is science.


And foreskin is just fused labia.

I know it's tempting, but it's better to leave the pink troll comments be.