My mistake, you were right. I did not look at the source.
@apotheosis: With the Retina Display they weren't championing the number of pixels, per se, they were gloating that you couldn't discern individual pixels with the human eye (at a certain distance). They normally advertise what their products do, not what should theoretically make their products do things.
@decoycop: You misinterpreted the comparison in the text. Bloomberg's sources were alleging that the iPad's new screen "would closely resemble the iPhone 4".
I think you should take "for Free" out of the headline. It's very misleading because it seems to imply that you are able to download Lion at no cost instead of the $30 you are liable to pay them.
@Acemonster: That's how Lifehacker works usually. They put some stuff that they've figured out in the article, and the great community adds to it in the comments.
@tazm0n: Total bullshit! Don't listen to this guy. I tried it and now half my Pokemon are gone!
All they've done so far is release passwords and make it easier for the government to issue Patriot Act-level Internet legislation.
I think its less random and more honing in on the right design. Hardware capabilities in the mobile market are constantly increasing the changing hardware of Apple's mobile products reflects these changes, I would think.
No, but when many are in poverty, they should be taken into serious account.
Still. It seems like such a waste. Like spending thousands of dollars on a piece of modern art to donate to a museum.
Defacing a mountain with an unnecessary clock which will likely cost more than it will bring the state in revenue and jobs.
I have a 2011 Macbook Pro 13 that is four months old. According to Coconut battery, it's already at 92% capacity. Is that normal? How much is a battery supposed to degrade over time?
It looks beautiful. And I've heard Meego is pretty nice, too. If all else fails I bet it is compatible with Android.
What if they made it out of LiquidMetal?
Well, then, if that is true then I agree with their stance on that. But there are many Tea-Partyers who want to raise the budget as well.
Here, I'll give you a few sensible reasons why I don't like the tea party: They want to lower taxes to the rich, deregulate, and increase the military budget. I'm sure you can agree those are priorities for the Tea Party. I think that allowing the 1% to own control 40% of the country's wealth is ludicrous, insane,…
More proof that mice are indeed, as Douglas Adams said, the most intelligent species on Earth and are only using humans for scientific gain :P
Yeah, that confused me too. Why wouldn't it recognise the number 41 in the sequence . ... 410412413 ... (and so on)?
@samkoebrich: Aww :(