
For some odd reason, it reminds me of the episode of Justice League where Superman is sent to a savage world with a red run and he survives with his wits and no powers.....I'd enjoy that game.

No, I'm serious, game's not even out yet and they've already started publishing and translating 30 page fan comics.

The women, because someone already drew porn of them.

Or they could redo the Zelda games they already put out but let you see what Zelda was doing from her perspective (Shiek and the pirate).

Go over to relic and make my freaking Mass Effect RTS on the Company of Heroes 2 engine.

Knight of the Old Republic II's Kreia would have something to say about giving them charity.

The games industry has a different relationship with the consumer and the product.

This makes me appreciate Far Cry 2's combat (although with condition removed/streamlined).

The link keeps going to :

Anyone else get excited when they see characters with more than four limbs?

Women being paid to wear sparse clothing and dance on stage undoes a lot of the work (and money, don't forget all that money) put into making gamers, the games industry, and the entire culture not look like a group of misogynistic cavemen.

Songwriters: BOWIE, DAVID

I liken violence or any gameplay element to sugar or salt. We take it for granted and often have to cook without it to truly appreciate it.

I had the end of Titanic spoiled by some of some of my classmates. mainly who lived and who died.

Chronicles had poor pacing. I mean really poor pacing. That entire segment on Crucible, bad. It was fun while it lasted but.......yeah, needed a better reason to fetch Jack.

Didn't this happen with Uplay last year?

statistically speaking someone in your house right now is planning your murder. scientific data says that most murders occur in situations where the victim knew the killer.

has this chart been adjusted for the urban migration patterns over time as people move from rural areas to the cities and back to rural areas again? Has it also been adjusted for the increase in population of the human race and to the development of affordable automatic weaponry?