
Aw crap, I think I have dysphoria.......

That's the problem that CliffyB mentioned when he wrote about the risk aversion. On the one hand, you need an effort INSIDE the industry to make these changes, but you also need an effort OUTSIDE the industry to support these changes.

Never give idiots a limit to avoid, they interpret it as a a standard to surpass.

Considering the amount of wort that's gone into Zelda, I'm curious why she hasn't been played in more Nintendo games.

I read a little bit of the book.......don't get attached to......I mean...look, after Sandy Hook, there's a certain part of the book that's not going to be in the movie and I"m pretty sure that someone is not getting raped.

Sounds like an Obsidian Game.

O RLY? Maybe she's learning the lesson that if the world sucks, you hack the shit out of it till it works.

When Kronar approaches, the trees will kill you as an act of mercy.

Jason Vorhees, someone.....Dracula, Simon Bellmont, Bart Simpson, them dudes from Contra (I had a genesis and 3 nes games), Rocket Raccoon?

I thought she was saying that you were smarter that this.

You can do that?

Before this gets buried in dogma (285 discussions, wow), I also wanted to voice my appreciation of Obsidian exploring religion outside the VERY cliche tools we've seen already. In the majority of games, any major religion turns on the player after being revealed as corrupt or is used as another reason to fight the

Zeno Clash = Double Dragon + Lots and lots of Acid + MTV

Metroid Prime with the Wiimote had the best shooter controls.

At 2012 Emerald City Comic con, Christopher Judge reveal that his ball was real, but that Richard Dean Anderson required CGI.

I've always wondered about the effect the SGC would have on the world at large once that tech started spreading out.

I wish they did....

Fallout 3

Bioshock 2 stabbed at Socialism

Panty shots of pre pubesent girls. The rookie introduced in a pair of running shorts. I only made it 10 minutes into the first episode before I gave up.