
I have no question, but I wanted to thank you for doing this. I'm an educator at a nature center and we get a lot - a LOT - of school groups from very lower-income areas. Those kids are every bit as bright and curious as kids from "rich" schools, but they are the ones who often don't get the quality education and

Depends entirely on you demand of your jobs, I think. I have friends that are just dandy working in a cube farm all day because it allows them a comfortable living and enough spare cash to do things they love outside of work. Corporate desk jobs nearly killed my spirit though, and eventually no compensation is high

Trying to convince someone they should love their job, draw psychic satisfaction from it, is management's way of getting you to accept less money, more hours and fewer benefits.

I was sort of the same way. Couldn't decide what to study because I was interested in everything, and couldn't decide what I wanted to do, because again, I was interested in everything. Weirdly that curiosity has held me in good stead - never been unemployed (knock wood), have had some truly fantastic and unique jobs,

Former librarian here - there's going to be unnecessary drama and bureaucratic nonsense at pretty much every library on earth. But that's ok! There's enough awesome stuff to make up for all of that.

So, I'm late to the party and this probably won't get any replies, but:

Absolutely. I'm happily single and have no interest in marriage, but I have close relationships with my friends and my family, and I certainly don't feel that anything is missing. That's just my experience, but I agree with you that close friendships in particular are so incredibly important to a person's mental

"...never got the memo on how to make friends or how to meet a SO and after a certain age, it just isn't possible anymore."

I'm in Florida. Also - just wanted to say for people who read this - I have a permit, issued by the research institution that I work for, to collect items like this and that's where it's going on Monday. Because sometimes laws are strange about owning parts of marine mammals!

Dudes, I found a bottlenose dolphin skull today on the beach! I thought it was pretty damn cool!

Sweet! Where are you working?

Please talk to us, Mercury. PM me if you'd like. The only thing in your life that you can't fix is what you're about to do tomorrow.

Ladies! Please, I need help with a friend. This is looong and I apologize in advance.

I moved to Florida from northern Indiana last January, so this is my first full winter away from that climate, and holy shit, I couldn't have picked a better winter not to be there. At first I felt smug about it, but now I just feel bad for friends/family who have been suffering through this shit.

"...beachside vacation very confused about the fuckability level of a cartoon fox."

How many of you have spent the weekend getting ready for family coming this week for the holiday? I've spent the last three days cleaning, wrapping gifts and baking. Never thought I'd say it, but I am fucking sick of sweet stuff now.

Ask for a specific time frame when you can expect to hear back from them. If that time passes and you haven't heard from them, it isn't bad form to just drop a friendly email asking if they've selected a candidate. I hate this new-ish trend of being interviewed and then never hearing anything back - it is so

The cat knocking over the Christmas tree is a sacred holiday tradition in my family. This lovable little fucker joined my feline brigade last year. His eyes tell the story of exactly how loudly I was screaming at him to get out of the goddamned tree.

Just keep those positive affirmations a-comin'.

I know! And I totally remember taping shit off the radio and trying to shush my parents in the background. I rented an MC Hammer concert tape from a video store once and put a tape (audio) recorder in front of the TV so I could have the music but the entire time in the background my mom is going, "Why are they dressed