
The only truly, chronically miserable people I know - aside from ones who have problems with depression - are the ones who have defined goals/dreams but do absolutely nothing to work towards them and have no valid excuses for it. The happiest people I know work towards those goals/dreams, even if its at a slow pace,

The article is about you creating meaning for your own life.

I used Proactiv for about a week before it turned my skin into a swollen mass of pain, bumps and redness. I called to close my account and it wasn't until I mentioned the allergic reaction and what treatment I had needed that I really got anywhere. I used to work for an FDA-regulated company, and although the FDA

Well, I did a short stint in underwater archeology and my first book was about a fleet of ships we were excavating - I wrote about the history of the fleet, but also about my experiences during that time and the wonderful/cool/downright crazy people I met along the way. The book I'm working on now is pure fiction, but

You know, I think if we can just get people to stop talking like Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein on Portlandia we will have won the battle. "It's just, like I don't know, it's just sort of like, weird I guess, I dunno." PLZ.

I went to a very crunchy granola hippie college and this sort of wispy life-affirming crap was par for the course. In one of my classes, we met outside one day and were advised to take a slip of paper, write down something we wanted to move past, and throw it into a small wood burning kiln that was in the courtyard

God, this. I'm working on my 2nd book now, and just yesterday made an agreement with a project partner to start on a third book (non-fiction, for that one). I also hold down a full-time job in a totally different field from what my creative work is about, and I don't see what's so degrading about structuring my

Preach! I tell my interns (whom I PAY) the same thing. I've always felt that part of the reason they are there is to learn, and how do you learn if you feel uncomfortable asking questions, asking for clarifications, or asking for guidance?

I was in a museum studies MA program a few years ago. I left the program for a few different reasons, but the biggest one was that I took a long, hard look at the job market for graduates in that field and it was beyond bleak. I knew there was no way I handle an unpaid internship, and most of the job postings started

I don't think I'll ever enjoy life's disasters, but I agree that 95% of it is outlook and attitude. Thanks.

I have one. I love him to pieces, but he doesn't do much for my fears.

I'm nearly 30, no kids, not married - so basically, I'm the only one I really have to worry about (aside from my parents, but that's a little different). Up until 4 years ago or so, things were pretty turbulent. Maybe the longer I live the less anxious I'll get...?

I saw this, and...and I just had to share it with you. I don't know what kind of album this is, but it looks spectacular - Animaniacs and mid-90's hip hop stars.

How do you stop worrying so much and just enjoy your life?

TIL Brigitte Bardot is still alive. Bully for you, Bri.

I've left my fair share of 1-star reviews on Yelp, but I swear it was only when the experience was truly awful and I try to make them entertaining enough that they're fun to read. If any of those places had tried to reach out to me, I would have changed the reviews because I'm generally fairly easy-going about my

damn. you'll have to imagine it, it's awesome brilliant beautiful

dude I am THERE right now, the drunkenness part. Here's a nice .gif for youuuuu

My 2012 resolutions were to get a new job in a new city. Three hours ago, I got an awesome job offer in an awesome city that I am going to accept. Nothing like waiting until the last minute!

Was I the only one whose mother immediately commandeered my room after I left for college and turned it into a guest room/art studio/place to store shit? These "frozen-in-time" childhood rooms fascinate me. I can't even fully remember what mine looked like aside from a fish tank and some Star Wars posters, and it was