
I’m increasingly getting the feeling they are going to run this like the movies and Enterprise, ie unleash a bunch of “creative” writers who love nothing more than to retcon Trek, half of it as a kind of utterly misguided “fanservice”, with multiple callbacks to stuff that will be seriously chronologically out of

I have no problem with Snyder direcing DC movies until the end of time, as long as he gets adult supervision when doing so.

Hell, I know the pain, at the supermarket, I was stuck behind two ladies, and one of them was complaining that the cows in the field behind their house were causing her precious little snowflake’s allergies. “I can’t understand why they allow people to keep cows in the countryside !”

That was my first thought when I saw who they had cast for this. Valerian is a rugged-looking guy, decent at action, but not overly bright. There is a hint of James Bond - the thug - about him. He usually rushes into a problem and Laureline has to dig him out of there (or break out a new clone). Laureline is the

Ah, those heady days of the early Internet ... I was looking up that popular Amiga scene mascot “Amy the Squirrel” not because of any furry inclinations, but merely because I really liked the artwork and I wondered where all this Amiga stuff went in the age of the PC.

Now playing

I have this feeling that this video contributed to at least a few people getting certain ideas that pushed furries ahead.

I know somebody who watched THAT much porn and became completely immune to it. Even putting it in a review ...

The posters look like the work of the child of Patrick Nagel and Richard Amsel.

Urban really nailed McCoy and stayed true to the character.

McCoy is one of the best characters in Star Trek. He’s common sense and decency punching the table with a good “dammit” to remind everyone that there might be many ways to handle a problem, a logical way or a Starfleet way, but there often was only one RIGHT solution.

Drama, the ultimate writer’s lifeline, if you can’t write character to save your life. Just drown everything in drama until the story writes itself.

I offer a toast. The undiscovered country-the future.

I’m not against WB/DC movies being darker, the whole problem is that they had people manning the show who handled “dark” like a 12-year old with issues playing Chaotic Evil in D&D.

I love to play along or confuse these people.

Don’t forget the stereotypes.

Current pop culture worships at the altar of damaged, brutal, savage men who protect the world with their rugged individualism and ability to snap necks. Deathstroke fits perfectly into the Murderverse narrative as a full blown grade A hero.

I really miss Perez and his artwork for Starfire and the Teen Titans, his characters had personality, they had distinctive features. He managed to make her look like a complete sexy bombshell, but retained a kind of endearing innocence.

It was the artwork of Perez that made it even better, he drew her as a cute young innocent teenager with a button nose and an overbite, and the fact that she acted like someone ten or twenty years older, really made an impact when it was revealed she was a baddie, same for the other Titans, they all had distinctive

I guess it will boil down to the most minimalist version.

The internet is about to grow 1/3rd bigger because of all the people listing and complaining about every single minute detail they got wrong.