
Marvel movies have plenty of head-scratching moments, but at least they understand their own characters and show they have at least the basics of story-telling, character and drama down. Those things are lacking in the Snyderverse. Take Superman, the guy is only a hero because space-dad says so in a pompous

Stuff that the average 7-year old would be able to do under normal circumstances is almost impossible for the average character in the Snyderverse. For example, Batman is smart enough to set some booby-traps for Superman, but when Superman arrives he activates them in sequence, watches Superman disable them one by one

Rebirth, because liking comics should always feel like being invited to the Red Wedding ...

My understanding is that DC/W was afraid of two things, the fact that the Superman Returns (a fanboy love letter about as charming as a horny rottweiler humping your newly pressed trousers) had bombed and Marvel were scoring hit after hit with their films. Fear being a bad councilor, we were off on the wrong foot when

I’m going to try to keep this brief.

It is a good thing that nowadays these things are scripted and they are using actors, because if this was done in the real world today the odds that a gun would get involved are far too great.

I did enjoy BvS, it wasn’t a great film by a mile, but it wasn’t a complete trainwreck. It has a few eyebrow-raising moments and a few times where logic apprently wasn’t kept on a leash and gladly ran away. There are things they got right, like Batman and Wondy who seemed to match their comic-book counterparts quite

Those are gladiators, much like videogames today their gear was designed to give them an advantage or a disadvantage to “spice up” things. Some wore helmets that gave excellent protection but left them with very limited vision, others were so heavily armoured they were almost impossible to take down, but would be

I remember seeing something even more fiendishly complex and then I realized it was a formica tabletop ...

It’s also the fallacy of a number of “immortality methods” like brain-chips that copy your brain in intricate detail and can be jacked a clone body when you die. Something that might closely resemble you does live on, but the original is worm-fodder.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this was some kind of prequel featuring an ancestor of Alfred who happens to have been a vigilante at some point with a whole host of parallels with Batman’s cast of villains.

I’m one of those people who made the upgrade and all things considered it all went rather well. It’s usually printers that hiss and spit at me and try to raise money to hire a hitman to off me.

My first thoughts after the credits rolled was “This is a very messy film ...”

We used to get milk straight from the cow, but it was always boiled before we drank it.

in the Dan Simmons books “Illium” and “Odyssey” they have fax nodes, which are exactly as descibed above, original is zapped, copy walks out somewhere else.

I’ve known him for years and he has a fairly unusual background, he served in the military and saw plenty of action, he’s got a fairly complex family background with ties to certain organizations in the Emerald Isle, he tried to build a new life in an country that became a conflict zone and after several years escaped

I have a friend who is a fanatical smoker, he firmly believes his personal freedom to smoke trumps everything else “People are free to look for clean air elsewhere.” He’s been using every trick in the book to ostentatiously light up at every loophole he can find in the law just to spite everyone around him. Because

One of the reasons I hate these videos is that these guys usually put the cam on their head which causes the image to swing wildly up and down and as a result it makes everything worse. As long as they keep the image relatively stable it’s almost bearable.