
Dr Who has had more than a few “huh ?” and “Waitaminute ...” moments, plenty of skipped logic, and a few Chekov’s guns that never went off (Gallifrey isn’t lost, doctor’s Daughter and the new paradigm Daleks ?) But I don’t recall a season that felt so boring and had me skip whole bits just to get to the last five

DC really is starting to drop the ball here, they should have announced the new Wonder Woman film with 67 pictures of Batman. Let’s hope they get their act together and Wondy gets a 30-second cameo in her own movie featuring mostly Batman.

And where does the scene where BW allegedly watches the Waynecorp building collapse and he charges in ?

Bought a PSTII years ago, it’s still going strong today, but I finally replaced it with a Wingman about a year ago. Also carry a Swiss Card and a no brand keychain bottle opener/screwdriver.

“Hello, I am a highly paid DC executive and you have been picked by DC to represent the voice of the reader. You say you need more Gail Simone and waaaay les of Frank Miller, and we here at DC like to keep on the pulse of youth, in fact we are quite aware of what makes today’s youth tick and we know you kids love to

Hyper-realism in horror films. They were fun when the blood was not the right colour, or the effect was not quite there. Now they can show you perfectly anatomically correct gore and it’s no longer gore, it’s gross.

I’d give it 50 seconds before there is a giant reddit with “Alien Truthers” who will have figured out this is just a false-flag operation to up NASA’s budget.

Hollywood is its own worst enemy when it comes to adaptations. The system demands that you a whole bunch of changes to characters, backstories etc. to invoke the illusion of creative thought. But usually they are just changes for the sake of being different, nothing really creative is involved.

“In order to reconnect with our readership, increase the relatability and boost our flagging sales. Every character in the DC universe will now be rebranded as “Batman” Superman will now be known as “Flying Batman”, Wonder Woman will now be “Boob Batman” Green Lantern becomes “GLowing Batman”, Aquaman becomes “Sissy

Dear sir, at first I was rather baffled by your use of the word hero in the context of a person that seems to be unriddled by angst, hasn’t any anger management issue, doesn’t solve the problem with judicious amounts of gun/stabbing violence, hasn’t had a single moment in their life that might induce them to smile and

Zack Snyder’s Supergirl would be titled “Metahuman Extreme”, We’d get a ton of Krypton background on how everyone hates Kara for being somehow different and how her parents shoot her into space not because they want to save her, but because they believe that exposing her to radiation will transform her into the next

You can have your neck-snapping, bloody-knuckled Superman, and turn your entire lineup into Liefeldian Uberpouched, feetless psychopaths with more guns and knives than an NRA convention crashed by a truck full of cutlery, if you gave me half a dozen monthly titles in this style (or maybe a slight update) No 200+ issue

You forgot another radiation classic, that gorgeous marble or granite kitchen counter top ...

They hit the spot right there. It’s those brainstorming sessions where they look at a bunch of key features of the property they want to adapt and then try to make as many changes as possible in a kind of delusional rush they mistake for creativity.

Hold on, only a few months ago did she publically out him as Superman, just as he was depowered and started running around in everyday clothes and a Superman T-Shirt and bloody knuckles ... Is this another retcon already ? If so DC is now a permanent Elseworlds story where your favorite character will not last the

We live in the age of the permanent elseworld or what if, characters are rebooted every fortnight. Taglines like “This isn’t your father’s [insert superhero name] is meaningless because the character has changed a dozen times this year alone ...

They want christian bums on seats ...

I didn’t know Ayn Rand was Superman’s mom ... Things you learn.

Love the bloody knuckles, it screams “See ? The comic book Supes and Man of Steel aren’t totally different like all you annoying fanboys complained !”

I almost explode with laughter whenever they use the tagline “this isn’t the *insert character name* you grew up with.” for any given superhero. The average character has gone through at least ten variations/redesigns/reimaginings in as many years, you have to go back decades sometimes to find the “classic”