
Photo one shows something shaped like a pistachio nut. Second shows clouds ... Millions of megapixel cameras out there, but still as blurry and inconclusive as a shot from a cheap Kodak from 1952.

Back in the 80s I got a C64 with several games and books, including the Hobbit and a book about adventure games (interactive fiction) which mentioned D&D, meanwhile I had seen Mazes and Monsters and It made me want to play, I saw right through the message that the game could make you crazy. Never had any problems

Odd, a while ago I read that they tasted horrible due to the conditions of the deep and their adaptations to it, making them less than palatable.

Ships need a mix of being flexible and being stiff. Flex too much and you break, don't flex enough and you break. But once in a while accidents do happen and ships will break. Tankers and container ships are quite vulnerable as they are getting increasingly bigger the forces acting on them increase accordingly.

I can lose 90% of my brain and still be fully functional !!! Ain't science amazing ?

Years ago, I got a medical check-up and the nurse noticed my lung tests and asked me if I did sports, as I apparently have an unusually large lung capacity. Seems she didn't her question through as I've been overweight my entire life and can't even run 50m without collapsing and gasping for breath. It's still a

One more on the list of magical super-weapons that if the war had gone on for a few extra weeks would have left the allies permanently dumbfounded and unable to counter at least until the end of perpetuity and would have helped the Germans drive back the allies all the way to Seattle by a mere flick of the wrist ...

For sale, vintage Atomic Rifle, used once.

There is an easy fix for Superman, just make sure his supply of solar energy is finite. He should have enough from daily exposure to be just as good as his Golden Age debut (faster than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings ...) He can sun dip to extend his abilities, but if you want a Superman to perform Silver

"Oh look, shelving ..."

It instantly brought forth a tragic flashback.

Imagine you have a road with a speed limit, now imagine the road is made from rubber and somebody is stretching to make it longer. The stretching doesn't break the speed limit.

I bet that in the coming days and weeks there will be clashes in the more interesting regions between ethnic Russians and Ukrainians, the Russians will demand help, Russia will oblige and cut off the prosperous eastern part, set up a puppet state, all in the name of protecting a minority while securing the Russian

Something else. In the book's world there is no such thing as superhero comics, which is a deliberate point Moore was adamant about. Not entirely sure what the point would be for real superheroes to become comic book characters ...

It's creative, I like it very much, but it doesn't have that weird nihilistic crescendo Moore gave the original.

I have a bit of a problem with phrases like "Typical human arrogance to think we are the only ones in the universe."

Here's my hypothesis. Take a beach, imagine that the grains of sand are the different stars and planets. You then get a bunch of disks of varying diameter (anything from a few mm to several meters in diameter, some full, others hollow like a halo.) This represents the range and time that a radio signal emitted from