
"Undoubtedly there is a meanness in _all_ the arts which ladies sometimes condescend to employ for captivation. Let me know every thing that I am to know, without delay. But Lady St0rM@geddon methinks is a complete Noob !"

Or this

Reminds me when Bun Bun piloted a decoy Torg to commit crimes on Halloween in Sluggy Freelance.

My vote for Wonder Woman goes to the lady who was entering the London Marathon at Excel a few years ago, she was about 5'11", black hair, blue eyes, nice face and athletic build. I didn't hear her speak or anything but she was a tiara short of walking from the page ...

The #1 factor for people who believe this sort of stuff is that it empowers them, it makes them particular to special knowledge, raises them above average, gives them the illusion they are in charge of their own destiny and are wise to nefarious deeds.

I'd settle for a power that would reveal the truth to even the most stubborn idiot. The ancillary power would be one that breaks down any wilful arrogance (What ? You expect me to admit I'm wrong ?)

Hasn't that been the default scenario for years now ? Protagonist is confronted with robots, and is basically a throwback who hates them ?

The Biblical god is pretty violent, he's not really into rape and stuff, but does love his plagues, floods and setting up people into scenarios they can only fail which makes god unhappy and violent. I'd rather take my chances with Zeus than with Yaweh.

The Jedi Dynamic Duo ... First they are blindsided by the Sith. They don't notice young Skywalker is quoting Mein Kampf to his girlfriend or has major mental issues. When Obi Wan finally tries to stop Kid Prodigy, he not only cuts off his limbs and leaves him to burn alive in a pool of lava, years later he has that

The Jedi Dynamic Duo ... First they are blindsided by the Sith. They don't notice young Skywalker is quoting Mein Kampf to his girlfriend or has major mental issues. When Obi Wan finally tries to stop Kid Prodigy, he not only cuts off his limbs and leaves him to burn alive in a pool of lava, years later he has that

Extra-dimensional aliens could then use our cold, empty universe to dump their waste or as a prison or as a place for cheap housing.

Maybe one of the voyager probes will last a while longer ...

It had hot babes ? I was too busy trying to follow the complex plot lines and densely detailed dialogue to notice the hot babes ...

About as much fun as getting an emergency tracheotomy with a lawnmower.

I think I could have put my hand in molten lava after playing the original Unreal and its utterly boring and endless levels.

I booted up Skyrim the other day and I was wondering about how many bandits I ended up killing. Most from a well-placed arrow they never saw coming while they were cooking, reading, chatting with other people or forging a new sword. Now trying to focus on slipping past them, take out the objective and get out

From what I understand drone operators are in a very unusual position. They are as removed from the fighting as is possible and yet they watch the results of their actions in fairly graphic HD closeups.

The bad news is that to keep the karma flowing in the universe Fox will have to air several specials by Ray Comfort & Kirk Cameron as well as a two-hour special on Time Cube by Gene Ray and rebroadcast most of the old "Did men really walk on the moon ?" and "Alien Autopsy" specials.

I can see how the White House may have set some guidelines about the NSA mandate and left people to work them out and then other people to interpret them, resulting in some major variance between the intent and the extent of the actual spying. I don't think the Prez would bother micromanaging every last bit of what

I think Ghery makes interesting buildings, he and others make very interesting buildings that are a lot more varied than the modernist functional buildings we saw in the second half of the 20th century.