
Lucky you. The amount of women that speak out about the harassment they receive somehow pales in comparison to your shining approval of the industry in general. Good thing you're here to invalidate personal experiences because they don't match up with yours.

How fantastic for you, perhaps that should invalidate her experience and thoughts because it's different from yours.

Spoken like a true male.

Bankrupt? Since when?

Municipal government is not indicative of state government, and there are cities going bankrupt across the country, including in deep red states.

Speaking on behalf of many Californians, we'll be happy to take the 9th largest economy in the world and go.


Then again, the 360 was the most powerful console last generation, and it made the most money of all three consoles, so it won this past generation.

I did not understand the logic of the first one. A bag of hammers has heft, in that it has significant weight. Heft means weight. So it was either a compliment or it was incoherent.

Read it as my user name.

Why not? Storytelling is storytelling. American comics can learn from manga, and vice versa. I don't like exceptionalist arguments anyway.

Ugh. These small time, small minded PO's are the WORST.

Ohhh, we got a bad ass over here!

I didn't mean to say that force is NEVER the reasonable response. A taser, however, can be lethal even if used correctly, and I think we ought to be looking for alternatives.


Hahahahahah. Yeah, me too.

Nope, I totally read that as Notorious B.I.G. at first and almost spit my coffee out. It took two more readings for my just-awakened brain to even deal with all those periods and I got annoyed. Then I realized we were talkin' about my girl R.B.G. and I got happy again.

Oh god I hate Bruno mars so much.

Misogynist dickhole doesn't GET your anger, internet LAYYYDIES.