
That's great, but every car is different, and every oil is different. You're surely not harming your car by changing the oil that often, but I strongly doubt it is absolutely necessary. If you're curious about it, you can do a series of used oil analyses with a lab such as Blackstone (I swear they're not paying me for

If you're talking about the observations I do while draining the oil, its really not scientific at all. While laying on the garage floor, I'll glance at the oil while it's draining to see how much light comes through, and also get a good look at the color. Then I dip my finger in it, rub it between my finger and thumb

Blackstone Labs for the UOA, and observing color, transparency, and consistency while the warm oil is draining. The latter test is hardly data, but it is something.

Unless an STi is regularly beaten on and/or uses shitty oil, 3500 miles is simply not necessary. With a good oil and a mostly sane driver, 5-6000 miles is no problem at all. Hell, I beat the crap out of my WRX and even after 5000 miles the oil is still surprisingly clean with minimal shearing, but then again a 5L jug

Screw you guys, I like this interior.

Hell yeah man! When the big storm came through and knocked out the power a few weeks ago, my brother and I sat in the basement and played all the way through. But we didn't have it on our phones....we found a picture of the original board online and transcribed it onto a big piece of cardboard, using shotglasses from

Swing and a miss on that link. Whats the game called?

"You need a new air filter."

Not to mention his bike seat is forever tainted.

Did an emergency turbo swap in the parking lot of a Sears, while it was snowing. That weekend was one hell of an ordeal.

The number one reason why people wont buy a motorcycle: they've never been on one.

The house I stayed at while in school was in an incredibly convenient location for unauthorized parkers. It was on a corner; cross the street in one direction and you're at the dorms, athletic fields, and recreation center. Cross the street in the other direction and you're at the academic building (it is a very small

My guess is it was his car.

This was for sale for $17,900 a week or two ago. Give it another week and the price will drop again.

Having a variety of cars at a car show is a good thing. As a Subaru owner, going to a Subaru meet/show gets really repetitive, really fast. I was at a small get together once, had a nice variety of cars (generally under $20K), and a guy in a Ferrari 360 pulls in. He parked the car, got out, and started browsing the

I'd guess wood, could be wrong though.

Nitrous is not flammable. So no.

A larger problem might arise when you find yourself pouring hot water over your phone.

Did someone say 'nostalgia'?

Thats a nice bugeye in the background, but whats with the picture of an empty garage bay?