
Never trade games in at Gamestop. If you buy a game from Best Buy, unwrap it, walk into Gamestop and trade it in you're lucky to get $10 in store credit from them. If you're not lazy, you can easily get 3 times as much money per game by using an alternate method.

Amazon reviews and CNET reviews. Between those two, I feel like I can form somewhat of an educated opinion on what I should and shouldn't buy.

If you watch carefully, you can see the cop raise his gun and aim it straight at the camera man. It was a deliberate move.

I had a 1.3 (the old version), but someone pulled the ol' permanent borrow. Figured I'd never get it back so I went ahead and bought a 2.0. I must say, the 2.0 is real nice to have—I've got the reflash connectors for every supported Subaru as well as EVO connectors so I can log and/or tune a whole lot more (though I

I dont think that is quite the same...not to mention how terrible of a deal it actually is. 90% of the time either nothing changes or you end up paying more.

Tactrix cable (or similar tuning/data logging device). Bonus points if its a 1.3 or earlier. Because if you take data logs and/or tune your own ECU, lets face it you're a nerd.

If I don't have a bottle opener on hand (which I usually do, its on my keychain), I just pop the bottle open with the butt end of my knife. There's much cheaper ways to try to look cool, such as grabbing whatever is closest to you and opening the beer with that.

By my logic you should read one or two of the plethora of tests that have been done on the subject. Talking on the phone is MUCH different than talking with someone who is actually there, and listening to the radio doesn't even produce a quantifiable effect. The hell if I know the psychology behind it, but the test

You're telling this to a guy who is STRONGLY against infotainment systems in cars (in this context I am lumping Siri in with infotainment). If you cant drive from point A to point B without calling, texting, or emailing someone because you're afraid of being out of touch in that amount of time, YOU SHOULDNT HAVE A

If you're using Siri 10-15 times per day in public, I might want to punch you.

I dont hate it.

That last paragraph turned my brain into a red, gooey mess that would probably go well with fries.

See the trick to getting a good video from a moving car is to stick the camera out the window. That'll help you really capture the surroundings. Because when I watch "legal street race" videos on Youtube, what I like to hear is WWHHHSHSHWHHHWHHHSHSHWHHWHSHW.

*knock knock*

God forbid Japan ever has a hail storm...

More like Jersey Shore without the color orange.

Allow me.

Because after 3 years of me trying to kill it (and I mean TRYING....did I mention theres no rev limiter?) it started on the first crank every damn time. I beat on it, and beat on it, took a break from beating on it to beat on it some more, and then continued to beat on it. E-brake sliding through entire dry parking

I saw an awful thing last night: a man trying to parallel park, with his wife outside the car instructing him on what to do. I observed from a safe distance for a good few minutes, while absolutely no progress was made. After watching this for a while, I finally just walked up to them, pointed at the parking lot half

Not to mention people can get cheaper iPhones too. Whats a new 3GS with a 2 year contract going for these days?