
First name, middle initial, last initial. Its pretty much the same everywhere. Older iterations also included my birthdate, but I've since omitted that for simplicity. I wouldn't put anything online that I dont want people to know, so anonymity is a moot point to me.

Thats the one I was going to post. Wheelie bar failure = flying car.

....and in this week's news, Facebook changed and everyone complained about it.

Every modified Supra looks like a catfish.

There are some people that like to sit around all day and be offended by anything and everything.

Melt it, bottle it, and sell it for $200 per bottle. That way rich people can be smug and hydrated during this whole climate change mess, and its easy money.

Heh.....heh.....hugeass dyke....

Judging by that selection, I'd recommend Nonpoint, Sick Puppies, All That Remains, Hollywood Undead, Shinedown, Seether, and maybe even Volbeat.

I'm going with 7:15.4

First 6 minutes of the video consist of staring at a hairpin and listening to quite possibly the worst announcer I've ever heard.

@Lord of the pixel plains

I have neither enough face nor enough palm to properly express my feelings towards this article. I bet Mr. Mazurczyk spent a good bit of time deciding which of his professionally crafted tin foil hats to wear before publicising the idea of terrorists communicating via Google.

I love to hear the idiots who see this video and immediately go off about airport security and taxpayers. Oh no, they're spinning around in wheelchairs and doing handstands on the train, they must be terrorists!

Automocrat sounds to me like a political party consisted of malevolent robots. I'm not sure I want to be included in a party of malevolent robots.

"0 views, Jun 16, 2011 10:43 AM"

I want to punch everything about this article.

Was the 959 not banned from Paris-Dakar?

You know....just this morning I was considering the possibility of keeping my bugeye at stage 1 for a daily driver, and picking up a kit car for a toy. Then I decided I'd just keep the bugeye at stage 1 for a daily driver and only car.....but you're killing me here.

Test out your "no kill" catapult.