Major props to the buyer on following through with his suspicion and returning this beauty to its rightful, yet sadly ungrateful owner. Frankly I think he should get to keep it for whatever he paid...bitch just wants the money for "just an old car".
Major props to the buyer on following through with his suspicion and returning this beauty to its rightful, yet sadly ungrateful owner. Frankly I think he should get to keep it for whatever he paid...bitch just wants the money for "just an old car".
6 (rev. 1)—Wait for cops. Order strawberry milkshake. "Accidentally" lose your keys after activating line lock and pulling the handbrake so they have to call a tow truck to drag the car off the guy.
As entertaining as the idea of self driving cars is, I just cant see myself ever letting a car drive me. Whether I'm on Blue Ridge Parkway or the Ohio turnpike, the only way I can stay sane is behind the wheel.
Went from one extreme to another....clearly you haven't watched enough Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
Premem - 4.80%
Someone has been watching too much Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia...
Now we just need a sound clip of someone saying 'Huayra'. I've tried several times, but this is far beyond my 3rd grade level of sounding out words.
I would do immoral things for a 959....
Soul of an Alfa? More like heart of a Viper....soul of a Viper.....looks Italian. What more do you want?
Or maybe its one of those giant lottery checks.
As cool as it is to see split window Vettes every now and then, bringing it back for the 2013 model would call for a huge facepalm. If you've ever sat in a split window you know that the rearview mirror is just for show. Its great to see on a classic, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want an original split window,…
So who will be the first to yank the powertrain from a Focus ST and drop it in a Fiesta?
Mater vs. the heist truck....
....why not NIKOLA T?
So you're saying when you're driving for maximum mileage, the safety of yourself and those around you is willingly thrown to the wind? Its not like the universe says "Oh, he's trying to save gas, better make sure nothing happens." A lot of things can be planned for, but there's a whole lot of things that cant be…
Engine braking is more fuel efficient and safer than putting it in neutral and gliding to a stop with the engine on. The engine should NEVER be shut off while driving. That is nothing short of dangerous—all at once, you've lost power steering (and if you're stupid enough to pull the key, the steering will lock), power…
"avoid engine braking."