OT Rant:
OT Rant:
This is great. Thank you. This is exactly how I’ve felt for years. It’s incredibly comforting to know that there are others.
Mmm he’s still going to supply my affordable pantsuits. Let me know when he intentionally runs down a dog or something
Booked my plane ticket yesterday!
Winged it? You mean ... right winged it. Eh?? Eh????
Ok... I didn't provide a definition in my question. But thanks?
Does it really count as a stand off if they're just waiting on the legal docs to go in?
That’s a very sensible and interesting explanation... Thank you!
Because I don’t let men that I’ve never met into my home...
I'm in the perpetual single boat too. Always have been. I cried on the way to the grocery store today - but that's the PMS talking. I can def relate.
Oh boy am I a disaster. I’ve been sexting a dude on tinder. Like a lot. And we talked on the phone twice. Like highschool style, long calls. He’s working 7 days a week and just never made plans to meet. So he calls on a week night and says he wants to come over. I say no and I’m teasing him because I didn’t think he…
I don’t think Carson understands that he's still going to be on the back of he bill. They're also adding lots of other cool people to the 10 and the 5. I just... I mean, I know Ben Carson didn't research before opening his mouth but ughhhh.
He's still on the back of the bill.
Ha. Fine, I mean, I’m related to a large number of them and realize how farkakte they can get... but c’mon now.
I’m willing to bet that Pauly Shore is probably not a good representative of “white men”.
I’m so glad that Chicago had such a bad ass week. The people of this city need it and they deserve.
Cabrini is closed.
Well, you see. If the material is donated for research, there's no need for.... Doh!
Good point. Let's switch to Jeezus so no one is confused.