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your right you can see the resin, going over the pads. Removing resin sucks but can be done pretty easy.

We’ve reached out to Apple for comment on the change and will update if we hear back.

Umm, how is stealing cars “typical teenage stuff”? This may surprise you, but the vast majority of people actually go their entire lives without committing even one felony.

Calling it a “joyride” does not lessen the fact that they stole two $70,000 vehicles. That’s grand theft auto, an extremely serious crime.

no one said thinning the gene pool was easy.

jokes on us. they’ll be in jail for a year or two, and then on welfare for the rest of their lives because no one will hire someone with a criminal record stealing cars.

your idea assumes that they couldn’t handle the 500hp setting. have you seen any of the mustang videos? i don’t think a single one of those mustangs was even breaking 400 hp.

I severely doubt there was something as noble as wanting to eat or trying to pay grandma’s electric bill involved here. Hell, they probably spent over $30 in gas just driving there.

the dealer i used to work at kept all the keys in a lock box in a closet off the showroom. the box itself was never, ever locked, and it was a folding closet door with no locking mechanism. don’t think anyone even knew where the key for it was.

It’s funny, never thought about stealing a car, ever. In fact, I’ve been so broke where I was crazy hungry, still didn’t think about stealing something. Instead, I tried to put my energy into making some money in order to get food.

“the elder two are unfortunately in jail”

Well they turned those kids into felons

Canadian checking in, spelling with the ‘u’ is the only way to go.

On the plus side, the judge found in his favour, and his building and hobby are safe.

On the other hand, he still has assholes for neighbours.

(Yes, I’m English, so favour and neighbour are spelled correctly)

Not really much of a win for anyone. The neighbors hate each other and I believe the legal fees for both sides are past $50k.

Republican gerrymandering of districts, voter suppression, fewer polling places and hours than before on minority populated areas, voter intimidation... and direct tv being down is what republitards consider messing with the election...

Preeeety sure anyone who regulars Fox News already knows how they’re voting.

Haha. Like Trump supporters give a shit about what’s factually accurate. Don’t you know that facts are a libtard conspiracy?

Trump fans are probably better off not being able to watch Fox News today, since if they do, they might see Bret Baier actually issuing an apology for his completely false “Hillary about to be indicted” story the other day and find their heads exploding.