
This is awful. There’s no excuse for this, and the people who did it are cruel.

Lol.....THAT I understand. But really, there are safe ways to get away with that firework. Safe-ish. Maybe. ;)

Really, there are so many things that I would just laugh at or say flippantly, that some brides/other girls give such side eye over. It’s like you need to know these rules or you’re not really a bride, you’re just some woman getting married. :/

Ask her straight up if she’s doing it, and if so, tell her you’d rather not participate. Maybe emphasize that you have some private relationship reasons for it, and you trust her enough to tell her this, and you really love her and want her to know you’re so happy to be in her wedding and you just want her to know you

I’ve heard of people doing that, too pretty!

Apparently I am? Or maybe it’s like super old fashion? No idea!

Eep! Def not a fun problem for a wedding!

Does this mean you’re going to see even more maxi dress weddings in the near future?

I’m not denying that. I’m just saying it’s a LOT easier now, and more effective to avoid getting pregnant or having children. And there’s a cultural aspect of it. So much so that girls I know in my generation (particularly those of us with robust sex ed growing up) really do just expect to have birth control, and have

Being pregnant and not knowing it is LITERALLY MY WORST NIGHTMARE.

True, but women in particular are more in control of their bodies with the pill (as opposed to the condom, which required men to agree, and was stigmatized for a long time as only being used by sex workers and promiscuous men; or to the rhythm method, which is dodgy at best and may be problematic in a world where rape

No problem! It happens in text. :)

Historically, that’s because birth control only became widely available in the 60’s, and ours is the first generation to expect it - without even paying for it, thanks to Obamacare. (Which I agree with 100%!) For thousands of years, poor people had and raised babies because they had no choice most of the time.

I’m actually being facetious because I think that kids need balance, with less structure than the ridiculousness I’ve seen upper middle class parents in my area (NYC Metro) foist upon their kids, but with the stability of a home that can provide for them. I though that was obvious.

Lol. Point. As long as I’m not raising them the rest of the time. ;)

How cruel! Both from an ‘in the know’ perspective and not! I’m glad your mom sounds lovely & supportive. Moms are awesome sometimes.

“babies don’t need stability, they just love you.”

Oh god, my SO’s (very liberal, very sweet) mother asked me last year how my mother felt about having two daughters who were almost 30, unmarried and without children. Between us we joined the army, got 2 BAs, 2 MA’s and learned to manage other human beings in our 20’s. I have no idea how we could have possibly fit in

Right? I always bring weekend leftovers to lunch Monday, and I always want whatever food is pictured on BCO instead by the time lunch comes around.