
Asexual erasure much in the headline? Com'on, guys, I'm inclined toward more than one partner, and even I know the opposite of "lots" is not "one."

Thank you for saying this! Evolutionary Psychology is such a flawed and scientifically questionable field, and from what I've read I can only find GSA established by using evo psych to rationalize these behaviors after the fact. I'm sure this is a possible psychological phenomenon, but until it's empirically

Oh my goodness, I have a similar issue. My dad died when I was a teenager, and I want to involve him in memory. So I won't have someone else walk me, and I was thinking of a moment of silence instead of the father/daughter dance, but I'm afraid it would be to dreary for the occasion (but I may do it anyway)...It's

I always wondered about this. Or, maybe, about people's relationships with Chipotle.

The same thing happened to me! Only I was 14! And he was the attendant at the gas station down the street from our house!

Legally (at least around here), he was entitled to the ring.

I have a friend who has a situation much like this, and I'm hoping they don't do this when their ex visits them in a few years. Unsolicited advice: Take it slow, and more importantly talk to and take advice from your real friends/family/etc., not us internet strangers. They tend to know about these things.

I should add....I'm not against guys in my bridal party because they're guys. It's more that all my closest friends lately have been women, and I've grown apart from some of my best guy friends, so adding them would be like adding a "token dude" to my side of the wedding party. But I always WANTED a multigendered

I feel like anything preceded by shots makes it an automatic joke.

This man can never be our presidential nominee.

Hypocrisy? I'm not even at a stage where I'm committing to most plans, and I've caught myself being entirely hypocritical (really? Do all my bridesmaids HAVE to be women? Doesn't that kinda go against everything I believe about platonic male/female friendships?) Does everyone else do that too? How did they deal?? How

I thought the first thing when I read the headline, but click through to the statement from the designer. It's actually really awesome - a lot safer and better for patient interactions.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Why would he agree to that, knowing that his job/reputation would be questioned, unless Rollins also signed some sort of affidavit ahead of time?

I dearly hope it's more like "At first my parents were against it [but now I'm old enough that they don't get a say]."

I'm assuming she doesn't want to be able to walk past age 40 or so.

Your dad sounds like the best kind of dad. :)

I'm confused. The first part is against any person's breast, and the second only a female's. Did that strike anyone else as weird? Possibly just written by an idiot?

Not a lawyer, but this is a special case. Federal law wins out, but Obama straight up told the Justice Department not to go against state marijuana laws because they have better things to use their limited resources on.

That's exactly what I was thinking! Why in the world would a state that's so invested in women keeping pregnancies until term be so NOT invested in babies safely coming into the world?!?!

It's amazing what people will do to avoid asking for help - because clearly we can assume he does not know how to fix that mess.