I could listen to Vin read the phone book. Cheers to Vin.
I could listen to Vin read the phone book. Cheers to Vin.
Posting about Johnny Carson at midnight on the east coast? Isn’t it past your bedtime, grandpa?
Like I said, probably shit. Backup QB not prepped with the first offense at all against a nasty defense. He should have gone off for 500/6/0 with a perfect QBR.
“I’m not sure if the quarterback room really is exactly where it needs to be.”
I just love the concept of how many guys had to agree to this before the game even started and just how well it comes across. These kinds of celebrations just make you smile.
You really should have opened the comment with “FIRST!” as well.
The loss of the curb stomp hurt Rollins badly. His in-match style is a mix of methodical stuff and sharp spots (like diving, he’s credible off jumping around), an the finisher was a nice bridge between the two. Vince killing that as his finisher and him having nothing else hurt his stock.
Ambrose was the leader of the first iteration of the Shield.
Rollins was labeled “The Architect”, but Ambrose was the front man.
The most disappointing part about post-Shield was how the Lesnar match derailed Ambrose’s momentum. He was on fire and the most engaging act they had (when they weren’t having him be an idiot) but after WM32 it seemed the wind went out from under him.
Uh, I don’t know that I would agree Seth was the leader of the first iteration of the Shield. Dean usually did all the talking and was usually positioned as the front man for the group.
The Shield break up did give us the greatest ever fan-caught-screaming-noooo on audio ever.
Damn J.D. Martinez’s right foot. If the then-Tigers outfielder hadn’t sprained it back in Spring Training earlier…
Thanks to the repetition of the GIF, I just noticed the insult to injury for the kid: the mascot wipes him out after he steps out of bounds — and then throws the taunt in for good measure. It might not be the most violent of the hits in that video, but points for really sticking it to the poor kid.
Here you go, for posterity:
Not going to lie, I love this video and have watched it several times now.
The Crane Stance taunt after wiping a kid out at the sideline remains the prime Mascot Hall of Fame moment in that whole video.
“Goldy rushing down the left sideline, here comes LT for the tackle...OH MY GOODNESS, Goldy keeps on trucking to the end zone, LT has been shot by security!!”
That gopher is indulging in one of my favorite hobbies: being a dick to children.
this hit will get Goldy a second appearance in the all-time mascot vs kids highlight real - still well behind Blue though.
There’s no other way to put it: Goldy Gopher destroyed a kid unnecessarily.