
That's a great question. And he really did have meltdowns against the Hawks — Boston was the first playoff team to hang 5+ goals on him OTHER than the Hawks, where it's happened five times I believe (might be six). All I know is it will be the longest short offseason for the Vancouver fans. I am really interested

As a die hard Hawks fan since I was little ... and after the last three seasons of CHI-VAN playoff series matchups, I can say that the Canucks don't win with class (nor do they lose with class). I am loving seeing Boston up 3 headed to the 3rd. Go O-6! If Boston does hold on, I am very excited to hear what the

@dont-forget-where-you-came-from-cheese-mac: Just wanted to let you know how spot-on you are. As a Yankee fan, it is impossible to defend this to people who aren't baseball fans (or casual fans) and also don't know the backstory (or conveniently leave it out to try and craft an article/argument). Luckily I don't go

@All Over But The Sharting: @snoop-a-loop: @Phintastic: Thanks for all of your insights and suggestions. I'm sorry I vanished in the middle of it last night, as the little guy woke up and I needed to feed him. Sigh. It's all worth it though when he smiles and starts babbling. Thanks again, the next time you see

Our little guy seems to already be in the mindset that if he sleeps, he will miss something. He's been tracking objects and getting excited out of nowhere for a full month now, and has started talking up a storm. We have been trying hard for getting him in the crib at 7-8pm but he just refuses to rest.

Thanks as well, definitely know it won't happen overnight ... just hoping for ballpark figures. We've really tried to work on keeping him awake in the 7-8pm range and then slowly quieting down over the rest of the night. I've been able to start giving him a bottle of 3oz. of formula if my wife isn't feeding him, and

Thanks — a few other folks we know have also suggested 5+ months as a real turning point for their kids. I knew what we were up for but that doesn't actually make me any less tired. Sigh ...

A full rack of ribs from Dinosaur BBQ in Syracuse would hit the spot. Plenty of cornbread, macaroni salad and some Labatt's. I'd have a glass of Blue Label late night as well.

Parenting DUAN:

Hey Stu — I was reading on my phone and couldn't figure out how to comment there, so I just had to fire up the laptop and drop a response. You should also give consideration to Talisker. Oban is wonderful as was mentioned too. Lagavulin is great, but you might not always be in the mood for a glass of liquid peaty

Just enjoying a nice Blue right now! My Aunt came down over Easter weekend to visit and see her grand-nephew (sounds weird to say that), and she brought me a case from back home in upstate NY. Would you believe a 12-pack is pretty much $15 down in DC? It practically comes out of the faucets the farther north you

@vodkanaut: I haven't been on much for quite a while, but you are spot on when it comes to DC. Grew up watching him as a kid (i.e. 9-10yrs old) and never was old enough to grasp why he didn't do well in the pros.

@tastes_like_burning: Probably COMCAST cable TV. Here in Alexandria, VA, we were slated to receive many new HD channels today ... including TruTV, MTV, E!, ESPN-U, Comedy Central, Cartoon Network, and some more I'm forgetting off the top of my head. Upon calling to find out why the channels aren't showing up yet,

@vodkanaut: If he's going to be committed to playing defense, he should be out there 30 minutes a game. He's going to be really good.

@WhynotstartYunieveryday: How about Grant? One of the most corrupt administrations ever, rampant cronyism, etc. War hero or not, a lot of bad stuff attributed to his lack of attention as a President.

@chakrabs: I guess I just don't really remember Wallace Matthews ever being a great beat writer.

@BillBelichick: My lovely wife bought me three of the compilations for my birthday to replace the old ones that my parents used to have. I'd read and re-read them so many times that the pages started to fall out.

@All Over But The Sharting: The Gods will smile back when OPM calls for a regular work day tomorrow ... and everyone tries to get back into the city at the usual time. I'm really looking forward to that!