
@Clint Biffman: "Now this is something the other tour guides won't tell you ... in this particular cell-block, Machine Gun Kelly had what we call in the prison system, a 'bitch'. And one night in a jealous rage Kelly took a make-shift knife or 'shiv', and cut out the bitch's eyes. And as if this wasn't enough

@Eddie Murray Sparkles: Well, let's be honest though. If the door was made of gingerbread or other delicious foodstuff, I think there's a decent chance he'd at least show up.

@Always Winning: All good! Besides, when he retires we can all turn our collective hatred toward Tim Higgins.

@Always Winning: I'm sorry I implied it was a conspiracy against Syracuse. I just hate Jim Burr. It's that simple.

@vodkanaut: I'd take Conrad McCrae with much better interior passing. I think we're not seeing as much of his passing ability on the interior b/c he's a defensive liability right now and still learning what it's all about. I'm still very excited about him for next season, and for the rest of this one (when Boeheim

@Always Winning: It's more than just this game my friend ... it's a Jim Burr thing. If you've watched Syracuse / Big East b-ball for years you'll know what I mean. (And maybe you have, I'm not trying to pass any judgement here)

I especially have enjoyed the massive foul total on Syracuse as opposed to Villanova's four this half. Jim Burr is a world-class official. I hate him with all of my soul.

@vodkanaut: He's battled calf and achillies injuries this year though. Give him an offseason w/ Bernie Fine and he'll be OK. At least, I think he'll be better than LeRon Ellis.

@Donté Stallworth Driving School: Rogue is great, as is Otter Creek. I'm having some Red Label w/ ginger ale tonight, and being amazed by Lawrence Maroney's mugshot.

@meatbat: Bravo, that encompasses everything the Canucks stand for. I'm a Chicago fan and have enjoyed the past two series they've played against each other ... and boy are their fans insufferable.

As a Giants fan, I'm still holding out hope for the meteor to hit the field.

@dont-forget-where-you-came-from-cheese mac: I still have mine from when I was a kid. My wife won't let me put it up in the living room, but I think it will go in my son's room as soon as he's born. Superb.

@MelrosesMullet: I was torn in those two finals — I'm an Indianhead through and through. So glad that the Hawks didn't have to go through Detroit last season ...

@slanket: He has a real future in college basketball coaching the way he works the referees. I don't know of any other hockey players who consistently whine.

@Armen Tamzarian: @MelrosesMullet: I think they said it was supposed to stop, but it's been hanging on for a bit.

@Armen Tamzarian: I couldn't believe Chimera missed the earlier wraparound. Nice to see them cash in though.

@BarD: Enjoying an extra bottle of champagne that I didn't make it through last night. Then a nightcap of Blue Label!

@vodkanaut: They might do that for the *Canadian* version coming in February. But yes, you're 100% right about Bettman's NHL ...