
@Natzzzzzz: The sounds of the breeze through an empty Nationals Park during summer Nats home games?

@Always Winning: You'd think Smoltz, a NL pitcher most all of his career, might know that ... I'd even wager a guess he faced Berkman a few times!

@ScottHartnellsSenseOfBalance: Spoken like a true Philly fan, based on your handle. Aren't oversimplified blanket generalizations fun?

@El-Diablo: At least you're not offering up a crappy Kei Igawa ...

@Astronaut Mike Dexter: Great point. I'm sensing it's an act though. He's got a tough exterior, but inside he's secretly a fan.

@JanetRenoManchild: I'm from Syracuse, and it's not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. I will say that Bud is quite poor when it comes to his writing, though.

@NYSportsJerk: Hey, those NFC Central rivalries die extremely hard down in Tampa.

@A Pimp Named DaveR: I don't know which show is better, because I haven't seen enough of either one to judge, but if you look at each show over the course of the season, I would think that which ever show was more consistent, week in and week out, that would be the better show overall. But we'll just have to see.

Guys, nothing about the JoeChat and a use of "consistent"? Not even one? If Joe's not talking about who's been a consistent player or a team that's been consistent at some point in the season, something's wrong.


Whew. I was worried that with the Red Sox coming close to being eliminated from playoff contention we wouldn't have a chance to get them any airtime. I hope he weighs in on that cheater shortstop for the Yanks after he gets his tie straightened up.

@Dr_Bombay: The VF power play unit just couldn't get it done against the GQ penalty kill.

@FarmRaised: We would have also accepted Wayne Chrebet, right?

@starksgotejected: Not to mention how the 'Skins tried to sue the woman who said she couldn't pay for her season tickets after the housing market collapsed (I'm pretty sure it was related to that?). Synder only backed off after the local news made a big deal about it. Lovable losers the 'Skins definitely are not.

@Chazz Michael Michaels: I like when the running back "fisted!" the ball over his head into his own end zone.

Too bad it's not Rick Reilly, here. Since no new work is being featured, he could just pull any of his old columns and post it that way. Seems to work at ESPN, so why not AOL? Perhaps this is Mariotti's chance to get on the Reilly train!

@vodkanaut: Any time you need someone to commiserate w/ about Syracuse basketball, just let me know. The next few years really have the potential to be great for them.