Which IG-88? There were four of them.
Which IG-88? There were four of them.
You're embarassing yourself.
That’s a great question, Owen!
So your suggestion is to make as many as they like and not make it unlimited? ;)
The best part was, I actually had a Majora's Mask New 3DS shipped and ready to go just a week ago, being one of the lucky few that managed to snag one. Then Best Buy tried to change my shipping and accidentally canceled it, then told me that they were unable to order it for me again because they were all sold out. So…
Given that movies with strong female characters do better at the box office than ones without, I think we can safely assume that supply isn't meeting demand here.
I just can't handle that freemium mobile game aesthetic. Stars, exclamation-points and shiny effects everywhere, 6 different bars that each require different types of currency (that also take up space on the screen), constant pop-ups that push "sales" on you, and just the focus-group refined, blatantly manipulative…
You might have missed the best parts.
REMEMBER: this is a cross-post from Kotaku Australia, a land where the internet sucks. So stuff like multi-GB downloads are more of a big deal.
Yes, I saw something neat on Reddit and decided to share it with our readers who might not frequent it.
Possible exception: Adventure Time might be better. That's about it.
Yes, I have watched the show, my entire family used to be big fans. Being Mexicans, it was a sad, uncomfortable moment watching the whole "hahah mexicans are smelly and poor" (poverty is hilarious!) diatribe, and we haven't kept up with it so much.
Come back with me my friends, to a more rockin time!
My Facebook feed would suggest that lack of anonymity isn't the only solution.
Oh man, I just LOVE Bastion. I'm irrationally holding out hope of a packaged copy of that & Transistor for the Wii U.
I'm sorry, but normal children under the age of 6 do NOT attempt to piss or shit anywhere.
Pick up that can.
I'm going to hazard a guess and say that the reason why people pluralize Lego is because not everyone goes online to read the Lego policy page. My guess is that people see Lego, and they think of a Lego block. Now if they have more then 1 Lego block they say Legos. Just like one apple = apple, but if someone…
"Blue team's turret has been destroyed," ifyaknowwhatimean.