And this isn't ACIV—-why?
And this isn't ACIV—-why?
Wasn't I just reading an article a couple of months ago that Spec Ops teams were bringing women with them as Translators, then asking them to be kept attached to their units because it turned out they kind of kicked ass in combat situations as well?
That's not the pattern what I was sensing but I'm okay with it too.
"Edgar Rice Frotteur"
But we've already seen it's the latter. Kutaro doesn't speak, and isn't being driven by some plot specific past or anything centrally bound around an identity. He's an avatar, with slight amounts of personality introduced to make him more then just a floating dot. I keep coming back classic side scrollers like Metal…
That would be, as they say, pretty damn tits. *nods solemnly, barely disguising giddy joy*
I will pay hard cash to watch a version of Pacific Rim told from Mako's perspective. Same fights. Same story. Just from her angle.
Absolutely loved this part of the movie. Was just one of 1,000 ways that it was oozing style and how it made lots of little things stand out even among the really big things. =D =D =D =D
Given that he's literally a puppet, and he's lacking a rather specific part of his anatomy at the moment, I can't see any reason him being a male could have any impact on any point of the story.
Oooh, that's positive. I'm glad they tackled the actual messaging problem for once, and acknowledged what the public perceives versus what they intended.
"I like to believe there is some professional decorum and decency and common sense that allows the industry to weed out a lot of the smut you described." HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Still a lovely sermon though! (Points for use of the Aliens guy)
Which...speech would that be? There's been a bunch.
I did Film School, I know exactly what you mean. =D
Think of it more like it could have been the Mega Man ZX games from the GBA days that let you choose your gender, but gave you two fleshed out characters who could fit in the game. That's the best analogy for the potential I see in this game
Who says I don't enjoy these games? I played the CRAP out of DMC even though it's got some violence toward women issues. Absolute blast. Doesn't stop me from calling a spade a spade.
Actually that's a fair point. I just liked how they chose to use questions to guide you on the right path BEFORE hitting the jarring section. >.>
That is the second time I have been complimented on that today. Thank you! (Not for this post) =O
Samus, Mario, and Sonic are all characters with fixed identities. The Puppeteer is an avatar, it's a blatantly different character mechanic. (And Mario and Sonic have both opened the doors for playable female characters in recent years, proving that you can figure this shit out.) Samus is an interesting discussion for…