
Games like Animal Crossing have shown us you don't need to use those jarring questions to help players figure out what gender you want to play as, and I argue a good game designer could have made it work. (Here's a fun mechanic! Your player's soul is stolen at the start of the game. Give the player brief control over

Nope, calling him out on this one. I played this at E3 and got to go through the entire opening sequence, and as much as I loved it and want to pick it up on day one I can't agree with his attitude, because I feel it runs directly counter to the themes I saw in those few minutes in the game.

Been reflecting a lot on my own trash talk in the wake of this and discussions with other people. My only trash talk tends to come during Smash, Halo, or Soul Calibur, and tends to run this gambit.

Oh come on now that's nowhere near as fun. =p was a Canadian woman?!

Er, I like to think I know a lot of words, but what the heck is a Pederast?

Totally down for this, and totally glad that I keep Kotaku as one of my main sources for gaming news because of this. =D

Excellent movie reference! =D

*sniffs* What's that. Ain't got anything in me one eye. Why would ya think that ya buncha slobberin' maggots? Quit starin' or I'll blow ye all to kingdom come!!! —Me, using the Demoman to understand my emotions.

One word: Eurovision.

The sharing feature was legitimately cool and I get the excitement for it, but the 24 hour check in really wasn't. I get why they can't include it now that the DRM is gone but I honestly think the most important elements of Xbox One's online function (cloud processing) will be safely retained.

That's incompetence, not evil. >.>

That just strikes me as a move too evil for even Microsoft to pull off, with the transparency we're learning about right now.

That could qualify as false advertising, technically. FAQs like hwere they're announcing this are the safeguard against getting slammed with false advertising suits.

Eeuugggh. This was my first E3, and I thought things were going well because I didn't see A. That many booth babes, B. Any weird behavior around the booth babes. I just went about, did my business, and got the stories I needed for my outlet, and had fun with my friend. Of course, since I'm a guy, this stuff is just

Was so disappointed when BG&E 2 didn't show up. They even teased it on their Facebook page!

And considering that most modern gamers grew up on games that were basically equivalent to casual games in some form or another. (The difference between Sonic and Temple Run isn't that far), it just states that women are just as likely to go into hardcore games once they see something a little outside their experience

Looks pretty cool! Did they deliberatly make the bad guy in this trailer look like Gene Hackman from The Conversation?

Comics and Gaming alike are getting a little better, but that doesn't mean criticism like this can stop, nor should it be required by law to acknowledge that things are "better." Everyone who wants a better gaming world knows things are better when Portal and Mass Effect are two of the most celebrated games in our

Um. Didn't see that coming.