
Agreed. My phone goes fully nude (no screen protector, no case) and I never have a problem. Meanwhile my friends with iPhones have theirs encased in a bulky Fort Knox.


Most likely going to come down to this or the Galaxy Nexus to replace my beloved old Epic. Once you have an AMOLED screen it's hard to go back.

Ditto. It'll be nice having this as an option though as the first Galaxy SIII reviews will surely start trickling out not too long after the announcement and I'd be shocked if Sprint got this any time before September. If the main (hardware) difference between the Galaxy Nexus and the Galaxy SIII boils down to a

Sweet. As an original Galaxy S Epic owner with an upgrade credit coming up I love the fact that this will be already be available when the Galaxy SIII is announced. Even if the Galaxy SIII doesn't actually come out for another 6 months (assuming Sprint carries it) we'll surely have early Galaxy SIII reviews not long

Almost agreed except that the screen is not AMOLED. I know a lot of gadget reviewers like to nitpick and say AMOLED over-saturates colors (if the iPhone/iPad ever goes AMOLED expect that tune to instantly change.) I view AMOLED as almost being like a plasma TV - once you own one it's hard to accept anything else.


The current tablet market reminds me so much of the mp3 player market circa 2002. I think the competition's a bit better this time (and at least has a viable platform to work around rather building everything on their own.) But I'm worried it'll be the same outcome. And Apple in a commanding position is NO better

I'm particularly curious to see how well they pull off the Jaime story this season. While there's obviously a ton of internal monologue from the book that helps define these characters, for the most part the Starks/Danerys generally wear their hearts on their sleeves. Whereas characters like Tyrion and Jaime rely

Google Currents is ok. But the data updates seem to take forever and the interface just isn't as fast/fluid as Flipboard. Highly-polished in its own way but more a heavy-reader interface than light-browsing like Flipboard encourages.

Most anticipated iOS-only app for me would be Flipboard . . . by a mile. Instagram is a great big pile of meh IMO

My favorite movie of all time. This is awesome

I've tried various versions of things like this over the years and they're fun at first. But I just bounce around to too many different exercises at the gym to stick with it and log everything properly. Maybe this is just geared more at getting people to stick with it. But I imagine it's a lot like the people at

Actually Doctor Who's Sonic Screwdriver silhouette isn't that far off from the female sex toy of choice (i.e., Hitachi Magic Wand)

So tempting. I literally jumped and then cancelled the order 2 minutes later. I'm still not crazy about the stock experience on it and I don't need another rooted device (already have an original Nook Color - which is great, just somewhat sluggish.) At this point I think I'm just going to hold out for the upcoming

Silhouetted like that, Harry Potter's wand looks like something you could buy on Adam & Eve.

Autopilot cars have been at the top of my technological wishlist for awhile now. And given that most any stoplight I pull up to now has 3/4 of the drivers around me TXTing away or fiddling with their phones it can't get here soon enough IMO

It's the O'douls of minimalist shoes

Konfabulator (later acquired by Yahoo) was actually the first to bring widgets to the desktop space. But like so many things people only remember Apple for doing so.

iOS' interface (while exceptionally smooth) feels so limiting now whenever I use it on the iPad. Yes, most of the premier apps are exceptionally polished to the point you won't care when you're in them. But whenever I'm dumped back out into the main OS interface it just feels so underwhelming. All that real estate