
I can't help but think that once the portability/utility of the smaller form factor gets broader exposure we're going to see more cannibalization of the larger iPad than loss against the existing $150-$200 tablets (unlike the iPod years the competition is much stiffer this time.) We really like our iPad, but for what

Colors are great and all, but I hardly ever see tablets not in a protective case. And for good reason - odds are good it's going to get banged up and/or dropped.

You guys had some hella vendor samples laying around didn't you? I personally never spend a dime more than $400 on my headphones. $500 is just ostentatious.

I'm a big proponent for case-less for phones (granted I don't own a glass sandwich phone just BEGGING to be shattered either.) However, I'm the exact opposite when it comes to tablets. Cases actually add to the ergonomics and usability for tablets IMO - the cheesy iPad2 flip cover being the lone, useless exception.

There isn't a first world problem hash tag strong enough to convey how much this concerns me

Coffee shop culture is so weird. I feel like a douchebag every time I go to one as I know once I sit down I can't help but somewhat blend in with the rest of the crowd (and I'm most definitely NOT a hipster.) That said the relaxing environment does make for a nice break in the day. Then again I get a similar

Testify! Actually I will occasionally rent a streamed (never download - made that mistake once) movie from the Xbox Marketplace if something good just came out that I REALLY want to see. But that's only a handful of times a year now as TV>>>>>>>>>>Movies these days.

I'll have to see it in person. That said, after seeing the early specs for this (as well as the One X series) when I recently saw a great deal on last year's GS II I snatched that up as an upgrade from my first gen Galaxy S. The GS II still sets the standard for responsiveness/performance IMO.

Meh. Thus far it seems like tablets are still very much residing in the consumption rather than creation/productivity space (and creation is the bigger market space fwiw.) Yes, there are exceptions for everything, but pretty much every person I know who has bought an iPad (and/or various accessories) hoping it could

Amen. If I have a surface to rest it on size is no concern. But for lean-back usage (which is what the majority of tablet-usage appears to be - numerous studies show tablet usage peaking in evening/lean-back hours) a smaller device is preferable IMO.

Great. Now I'll be singing a Toby Keith song in my head all day.

On the flip side we need to see more of:

You'll also notice he's a developer and not involved in the business/revenue end of their business. While Google+ may or may not take off over the long haul the advertising end of their business (i.e., pretty much their entire revenue stream) stands to benefit greatly by even marginal usage and the additional

Now playing

The 'Outlaws' soundtrack was the first time I remember being truly blown away by the music in a game. It was a decade ahead of its time in terms of quality and production values. Exceptional across the board and (rightfully) won a slew of awards that year.

I've done ad buys with them ranging from $100/month to nearly half a million dollars in one day. They have a regular seat at the table when it comes to digital ad dollars for our company . . . but I still don't get how in the world they're coming up with this valuation. There is absolutely no way they're worth

Winter is cumming

Better brace yourself for it because it's coming.

Tin Snips are the jaws of life of household packaging and an essential part of Christmas morning supplies when you have kids

At least you're not the clamshell packaging guy

I almost got one of these awhile back. We have a home theater setup but never use it. This seemed an ideal way to replace the TV's speakers without the hassle of an HT setup. Problem is I've already got a Kinect and Wii sensor bar occupying the same real estate. Those are non-negotiable when it comes to moving