
I'd be surprised if he's doing any major conceptual work. More likely, they're hiring him to be a public 'face' for G+ that they can trod out on tech shows, TV, etc.

"1. Pour the 1/2 cup of Jameson into a bowl."

Fantasyland would be toast, but you'd probably be ok on the Jungle Cruise

Indeed. Granted I don't know how big a 10k bomb physically is (you always hear the word 'suitcase' so I assume only marginally larger.) If that's the case it's not exactly that difficult to charter and/or hijack a commuter plane and get into the area. I know Washington airspace is more tightly controlled, but still.

As near as I can tell from my circle of friends, it's where you go when you've become recently unemployed and/or don't do any actual work for a living

I've got medium-sized hands too, but grew to love our (really my wife's) A55. I've found I've simply changed my grip a bit and now use my pinkie to pinch the bottom right corner and that actually feels just as secure as a grip on a larger model. But I can see where it definitely isn't for everyone.

Lifehacker's like a 'Find your beach' Coronoa ad compared to most of the Gawker sites. Giz comments have actually gotten a bit better in recent months IMO. But things can get pretty wild on some of the other sites (particularly Jezebel and Gawker proper.) When it's a flamewar/edgy here it's still just people

I wonder how much of the free/hacked tethering market could be minimized if carriers would just make a paid option more realistic. If you're trying to use it as your primary connection that's one thing. But I can't help but think that a lot of people are like me and would just like occasional access without the

Intentionally open-ended . . . . again

An growing percentage of people sitting on their asses all day leading increasingly sedentary lives isn't helping out any on that end either

They may have also done it to leave things open in case they are planning on entering the smaller/lower-cost tablet market with an 'iPad Mini' or whatever. Having an iPad Mini 2 and iPad 4 in 2013 would be weird.

Apple has also patented carbon. So heads up yo

Seconded on the Phineas & Ferb

On a nice day last week I decided to work outside at the local coffee shop's patio across the street. I couldn't help but think of the irony of the 'Think Different' campaign as my Thinkpad was the only non-Mac in the place.

They had a more detailed post quite awhile back but one of the things iOS does at its core level is put user input as the absolute highest priority within the OS. So if the person touches the screen that supersedes background functions (of the OS itself as well as apps.) The result of that is that input 'feels' more

If I had a friend who wanted an Android device as their very first smartphone I'd usually recommend an HTC device because of Sense. Much like iOS it seemed easier for newcomers to grasp.

Does that require an ongoing payment? One of the nice things about the 3G plans on the iPad was that you could turn it on as-needed and only be charged for the month when you used it. So you may only use it for 5 days while on a trip and only have to pay for that month - then not have to pay anything over the next 6

A lot of the existing apps are already pretty unwieldy for 3G. I'm on Android but my wife's on an iPhone and I remember when we were loading apps on hers I was shocked at some of the file sizes. That's one of the big advantages iOS has by having ALL the storage available for apps as opposed to having decide whether

Microsoft's loss was the world's gain though. Dude's going to do a lot of good in the areas he focuses on.

Glad to see my phone has now been bumped up to 'Retina' status. Those pixels were driving me crazy, but are all gone now.