
It's not an either/or for our house. We already have an iPad but will likely be adding a Fire to the mix. The iPad's great but for what we use it for 90% of the time (Facebook/Twitter, web-browsing, Netflix) it's nothing that can't easily be replicated by another tablet. And I actually prefer the 7" form factor.

If it were April Fool's instead of Halloween I wouldn't quite know what to make of this.

In keeping with the excellent HP branding culture they've also decided to re-name the Personal Systems Group to 'DPv-10110n-4t'

It's Android. If you don't like what they're offering right now wait another week and something new/better will be coming along.

Up next, Bada

*Google tries to take my precious back button away from me*

I was thinking the same thing about the $6,000 price difference between the cameras ;)

I appreciate the locked-down simplicity of iOS. My kids can pick up our iPad and just get it. My wife can jump from a feature phone to an iPhone and just get it. It's streamlined and fairly bulletproof.

I thought I read somewhere that it was a default and that you could go into your 'Accounts' settings and set that up, but it wasn't there on my Epic for some reason. Either way, I'm glad it's at least included in the Google+ app.

Granted, it's 'only' 10fps but I got a chuckle out of one of the 'professional' photographers nearby turning their head when I fired off a burst mode shot on my wife's little A55 the other day.

Just now reading all the news so maybe this is answered elsewhere. But what about their cloud syncing of things like photos. Maybe it was just my device (Epic) but this was shockingly absent from the stock OS. Adding the G+ app enabled this useful feature but I'm assuming this is now bundled into the core OS?

And unlike iOS I'm assuming you can cram more than 12 apps into a folder? That's one of my biggest pet peeves with iOS. Here you have this app-heavy ecosystem where you brag about the sheer quantity of apps available for your device, then they limit you on how you can categorize them (and won't let you customize the

Where's my Trapper Keeper reference?!?

Don't forget about the Disneyland Adventures one coming out (or whatever it's called) where you can explore Disneyland and ride the (game version) of the ride. My kids will actually go bonkers for that one.

I'd just like to thank the Android version for automatically backing up all my photos/videos to Google's cloud. Amazingly (considering we're talking about Google services) that was a feature set I hadn't had previously.

I'd say Apple's most notable product is iTunes. It's been the hub of their entire series of iProducts going all the way back to the iPod. Even a lot of people who didn't have a Mac (maybe didn't even have an iPod) used iTunes. Of all their hardware and software floating around out there it (along with Quicktime)

Since the battery drain seems to only come when your phone can even sniff a 4G signal that sounds about right. No worries there.

When Siri does it there will be an orchestral accompaniment with fireworks. And free balloons. Yeah.

Agreed. TuneIn is awesome. I use it for listening to sports talk radio in my market as well as the markets of teams we're going to play. The ability (on the $0.99 paid version) to pause the stream is particularly nice when I need to jump out of the car or do something else for a few minutes before coming back to

From the user standpoint it's just tough to pick up roots and move again (or try to maintain parallel worlds.) If Facebook were becoming overrun with problems like MySpace did that would be one thing. But Facebook has far more users and the inherent entrenchment that comes with that than MySpace ever did. And they